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作者(外文):Chiang, Chi Lun
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Experimental Studies on Weighted Combinatorial Testing Criterion for Software Test Suite Reduction
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chin Yu
外文關鍵詞:Test suite reductionregression testingtesting criteriacode coveragesoftware fault detection effectivenessgenetic algorithmsweighted combinationoptimization problems
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Software has become an important part of our daily lives. Due to user requests, new features are developed. To ensure the quality of a software, new test cases have to be generated and included in the current test pool. Further, the size of the test pool will often grow too large to test through all of the test cases. A very large test pool will take large amounts of time to produce inefficient regression testing. Test suite reduction is typically used to solve the test suite size problem by removing redundant test cases. By using test suite reduction, the test pool size can be efficiently reduced, while the remaining test cases are still able to provide the same coverage as the original test pool. However, some of the existing test suite reduction methods consider only one testing criterion. If we use more than one testing criterion, we can improve the capability of fault detection effectiveness. Also, some people consider two testing criteria; however, they don’t use the second criterion until there is a tie situation in the primary criterion. The main purpose of this research is to use 4 modified weighted combinatorial algorithms to improve the effectiveness of fault detection, and to consider two different types of testing criteria, flexibly and simultaneously. Further, we also discuss how to incorporate a genetic algorithm to find the best weighting factor value assignments for each testing criterion. Experimental results show that 77.5% of our proposed weighted combinatorial algorithms have an even or better performance in suite size reduction, 83.75% of our approaches perform even or better in fault detection effectiveness, and 82.5% of our approaches have even or better effectiveness in fault-to-test ratio.
Abstract in Chinese i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Table of Notations viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Works 7
Chapter 3 Review of Test Suite Reduction Techniques 14
3.1 The HGS Algorithm 14
3.2 The GRE Algorithm 16
3.3 The GE Algorithm 18
3.4 The Greedy Algorithm 20
3.5 Traditional Algorithms Discussion 20
Chapter 4 Weighted Combinatorial Algorithms 24
4.1 Weighted Statistical Means 24
4.2 Evaluation Metric 27
4.3 Proposed Weighted Combinatorial Algorithms 35
4.3.1 WC-HGS: The Modified Weighted Combinatorial HGS Algorithm 35
4.3.2 WC-GRE: The Modified Weighted Combinatorial GRE Algorithm 38
4.3.3 WC-GE: The Modified Weighted Combinatorial GE 42
4.3.4 WC-Greedy: The Modified Weighted Combinatorial Greedy Algorithm 47
4.4 Weighting Factor Assignment 49
Chapter 5 Experiments and Analysis 52
5.1 Experimental Setup and Subject Programs 52
5.2 Comparison Criteria 56
5.3 Experimental Results of Applying the Weighted Combinatorial Algorithms 59
5.3.1 Suite Size Reduction 59
5.3.2 Fault Detection Effectiveness Loss 62
5.3.3 A t-test for Matched Pairs 65
5.3.4 Fault-to-test Ratio 68
5.3.5 Execution Time 70
5.3.6 Percentage of Tie Occurrence 72
5.4 Discussions and Observations 73
5.4.1 The size of subject programs 73
5.4.2 The randomness existing in traditional algorithms 74
5.4.3 The use of the FDE Loss metric 74
5.4.4 The implementation of weighted statistical means 74
5.5 Time Complexity Analysis 76
5.6 Threat to Validity 77
Chapter 6 Tri-Criteria Binary ILP Model 82
6.1. Evaluation Metric 82
6.2. Proposed Tri-Criteria binary ILP Model 83
6.3. Experimental Results of Tri-Criteria Binary ILP Model 87
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Works 91
References 94
Appendix 101
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