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作者(外文):Lin, Jou
論文名稱(外文):Local Binary Pattern Edge-Mapped Descriptor Using MGM Interest Points for Face Recognition
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Ching Te
口試委員(外文):Chen, Hwann Tzong
Yang, Jar Ferr
Van, Lan Da
外文關鍵詞:Face RecognitionMaxima of Gradient Magnitude (MGM)Local Binary Pattern (LBP)Binary FeatureLocal Feature
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在近年來的學術界與產業界中,臉部辨識是一個受到眾人關注的話題。儘管現今已發展出許多演算法,但應用於現實環境中仍受到許多的挑戰。與全面 (holistic) 方法相比,局部 (local) 方法(如:local binary pattern (LBP) [4], [6]、local derivative pattern (LDP) [10] 與scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) [14] 等演算法)對於影像的細節描述地較為詳盡,故能得到較高的辨識率;但相對而言,局部方法的運算複雜度較高,會降低其應用的價值,如實現於行動裝置。此外,基於SIFT所發展出來的演算法,遇到光影有所變化的情況時,較無法維持良好的辨識率。因此,我們提出一個基於最大梯度特徵(Maxima of Gradient Magnitude, MGM [20])之局部二元模式與邊緣映射(LBP Edge-mapped)的描述子。這是一個具強健性且簡單、所需運算時間短的描述子。LBP Edge-mapped描述子藉由記錄最大梯度特徵周圍的亮度和邊緣資訊,進而得到一組二元碼。它不僅能完整地描述臉部的輪廓,還能同時擁有較低的運算複雜度。另外,由於描述子為二元模式,故我們可以使用一個簡單的方法來估測影像的相似程度、找到合適的配對。遇到光影不同的狀況時,實驗結果證明在FERET fc [22] 中,我們的方法不僅比SIFT高了約16.5%的辨識率,而且執行時間也節省了約9.06倍;在The Extended Yale Face Database B [32] 中,我們的方法明顯優於SIFT-based的方法,並比SIFT少了約70.9%的計算時間。面對臉部表情不同的情況時,FERET fb [22]的結果顯示我們的方法不僅可以維持令人接受的辨識率,還能比SIFT少花了7.50倍的運算時間。另外,於未受到任何條件限制的實際狀況中,我們使用UFI Database [30] 來評估方法的效能,並發現我們方法比local derivative pattern histogram sequences (LDPHS) 高了0.82%的辨識率。
Face recognition is one of popular topics in academic and industrial areas in recent years. Numerous approaches have been developed nowadays, but there are still several challenges in real-world circumstances. Present local methods such as local binary pattern (LBP) [4], [6], local derivative pattern (LDP) [10] and scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) [14] own better performance than holistic methods; however, high complexity results in some limitations for applications such as mobile devices. In addition, SIFT-based schemes are sensitive to illumination variation. Thus we propose a LBP Edge-mapped descriptor by using Maxima of Gradient Magnitude (MGM) [20] points. It is a robust, simple and fast descriptor. LBP Edge-mapped descriptor is a string of binary codes which record surrounding information of illumination and edges of MGM [20]. It can illustrate facial contours completely and have low computational complexity simultaneously. Due to binary codes, a simple matching method can be adopted for face recognition. Under variable lighting, experimental results show that our method has 16.5% higher recognition rate and spends 9.06 times less execution time than SIFT in FERET fc [22]. Besides, our method outperforms SIFT-based approaches and saves about 70.9% execution time compared with SIFT in the Extended Yale Face Database B [32]. In the variation of expression, our method maintains acceptable recognition rate and has 7.50 times less computational time than SIFT in FERET fb [22]. Furthermore, in uncontrolled conditions, our method owns 0.82% higher recognition rate than local derivative pattern histogram sequences (LDPHS) [10] in Unconstrained Facual Images (UFI) Database [30].
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Related Works 2
1.2 Motivation and Problem Description 3
1.3 Goal and Contribution 4
1.4 Thesis Organization 6
2 Maxima of Gradient Magnitude 7
2.1 Gradient and Edge Detection 9
2.2 Maxima of Gradient Magnitude (MGM) 11
3 Local Binary Pattern (LBP) Edge-mapped Descriptor for Face Recognition 14
3.1 Contrast Enhancement 15
3.2 LBP Edge-mapped Descriptor 20
3.3 Matching Method 23
4 Experimental Results 27
4.1 FERET Database 27
4.2 The Extended Yale Face Database B 35
4.3 Unconstrained Facial Images (UFI) Database 40
4.4 Helen Facial Feature Database 44
5 Conclusion and Future Work 47
Bibliography 49
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