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作者(外文):Hu, You Xuan
論文名稱(外文):Detection Methods of Beam-Index Spatial Modulation for Massive MIMO Systems
指導教授(外文):Wu, Jen Ming
外文關鍵詞:Massive MIMOBeamformingSpatial ModulationGeneralized Spatial Modulation
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人們對於更高的數據傳輸速率、更高的系統容量、更高的能量效率、更低的延遲、更佳的聯結可靠性等等要求不斷的增加,推動了下世代無線通訊系統的研究。現今使用的微米波頻段已無法滿足上述的要求,因此轉而開拓介於30GHz到300GHz的毫米波頻段。然而,在毫米波通道中,高載波頻率造成的高傳播損耗導致受限的散射環境和有效反射路徑的缺乏。為了對抗這些缺陷,大規模多輸入多輸出天線搭配波束成型成為在下世代通訊中前景被看好的技術。為了滿足各項通訊應用的不同特性,同時達成以上所提人們對下世代通訊的需求是不必要且通常是不可行的。因此,下世代通訊所需要的是具有靈活適應性的通訊系統。在目前的研究中,空間調變與廣義空間調變這兩種新興的技術藉由調整系統的參數,以達到高頻譜效率或高能量效率,提供了更好的靈活性。我們結合廣義空間調變與波束成型的技術,提出了”波束索引空間調變(Beam-Index Spatial Modulation)”,且修改了以往的接收端偵測方法使其適用於偵測波束索引空間調變中由正交振幅調變符元與零點組合而成的訊號。我們的結果顯示此技術在通道訊雜比良好的環境下擁有比傳統技術更好的錯誤率表現,且經過修改的偵測方法皆可用於偵測此技術調變的訊號。同時,我們也提供了可以根據不同情況選擇最適合此技術的偵測方法的規則。
The increasing demand for higher data rate, higher system capacity, higher energy efficiency, lower latency, better link reliability leads to the research for the next generation of wireless communication systems. The current microwave spectrum is unable to handle the demand. Therefore, the spectrum in the millimeter wave (mmWave) band from 30GHz to 300GHz is exploited. However, in mmWave channel, the high propagation loss caused by high carrier frequency results in limited scattering environment and lack of resolvable reflected paths. To combat these drawbacks, massive MIMO beamforming becomes a promising technology in the next generation. In order to satisfy the varieties of application features, it is unnecessary and usually infeasible to achieve all the requirements simultaneously. More agile in flexibility or so called “soft”communication systems are needed. Spatial modulation and generalized spatial modulation are new technologies that provide better flexibility in adjusting the system parameters to achieve spectral efficiency or energy efficiency. We combine the concept of GSM and beamforming technology to propose the "Beam-Index Spatial Modulation (BISM)" scheme, and modify the detection methods for BISM since the symbol vector is composed of QAM symbols and zeros. Our results show that BISM has better BER performance than MIMO-BF in the high Eb/N0 region, and the modified detection methods are feasible to detect BISM signal. We provide a decision rule for BISM to choose the most suitable detection methods according to different situations.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Foreword 1
1.2 Motivation and Objective 3
1.3 Thesis Organization 4
2 Background 5
2.1 Massive MIMO 5
2.2 Beamforming 6
2.3 Spatial Modulation 6
2.4 Generalized Spatial Modulation 8
3 Beam-Index Spatial Modulation Detection 10
3.1 System Descriptions 10
3.2 Beam-Index Spatial Modulation 11
3.3 BISM Maximum-Likelihood Detection and Theoretical Average Bit Error Probability Bound 13
3.4 BISM Sphere Decoding Detection 15
3.5 BISM Approximate Message Passing Detection 19
3.6 Complexity Analysis 24
4 Simulation Results 26
4.1 Simulation Parameters 26
4.2 BISM ML Detection and Theoretical ABEP Bound 27
4.3 BISM SD detection 28
4.4 BISM AMP Detection 30
4.5 Complexity Analysis 31
5 Conclusions 36
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