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作者(外文):Chen,Yi Chung
論文名稱(中文):二維奈米電漿光晶格中凍結光熱對流後的 微米粒子特性
論文名稱(外文):Freezing photothermal convection of micro particles in two dimensional nanoplasmonic optical lattice
指導教授(外文):Yang,Ya Tang
外文關鍵詞:optical tweezerplasmonicphotothermal convectionthermal expansion coefficientlow temperaturenear-field optical gradient forces
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Photothermal convection has been a major obstacle for stable particle trapping in plasmonic optical tweezer at high optical power. Here we demonstrate a strategy to suppress the plasmonic photothermal convection by using near zero thermal expansion coefficient of water at low temperature. A simple square nanoplasmonic array is illuminated with a loosely Gaussian beam to produce two dimensional optical lattice for trapping of nanoparticle. We observe stable particle trapping due to near-field optical gradient forces at elevated optical power at low temperature. In contrast, at the sample optical power at room temperature, the particles will get expelled, and disappear once they enter into the optical lattice. This technique will greatly increase usable optical power and enhance the trapping capability of plasmonic optical tweezer.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 光學鑷子 2
1-3 電漿子光學鑷子 4
1-4 文獻回顧 6
二、系統架設及電漿子光學晶格結構製程 13
2-1 光學鑷子系統架設 13
2-1-1 光學系統架設 13
2-1-2 光路校正 15
2-2 TEC冷卻系統架設 20
2-2-1 硬體架構 20
2-1-2 H-bridge電路 21
2-2-3 Arduino控制系統 23
2-1-4 溫度感測系統 25
2-2-5 鰭式散熱載台設計 26
2-3 二維奈米電漿子結構製程 27
三、實驗結果與討論 30
四、結論與未來展望 38
附錄A 雷射功率測量 39
附錄B 鰭式散熱載台設計圖 42
附錄C LabVIEW for Arduino程式碼 43
附錄D 測量電漿光晶格溫度技術 44
附錄E Matlab程式碼 46
E-1 晶格溫度分佈曲線x軸方向 46
E-2 晶格溫度分佈曲線y軸方向 47
E-3 雷射光斑的高斯曲線模擬圖 48
E-4 螢光微粒軌跡分析程式碼 49
E-5 RhodamineB亮度計算程式碼 51
參考文獻 52
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