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作者(外文):Hong,Yi Hong
論文名稱(外文):Improving the lifetime in green phosphorescence organic light-emitting diode by solution process
外文關鍵詞:OLEDBlade-coatingSingle-layer and multilayersRapid thermal processCross-linked materialLifetime
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本論文是利用刮刀製程製作液態有機發光二極體,發光色光是綠色磷光的小面積元件。結構主要分為多層與單層結構,並使用不同材料,透過材料本質差異,而提升元件之操作壽命。首先是多層結構改善,若用液態製程製備多層元件,通常會造成層間互溶問題,使得元件操作壽命低落,但透過電極搭配並加上快速熱退火,使得載子注入平衡且分子能夠重新排列得更加緊密,讓元件壽命在起始亮度500 cd/m2下,壽命由5小時提升至200小時以上。單層結構是改變了電子傳輸層材料,利用材料本質上的特性,並加入具熱聚合特性之材料,使得元件操作壽命提升,在起始亮度為1000 cd/m2,其壽命提升至140小時左右,更可運用此結果在本團隊之大面積化製程上,製作出概念性之OLED原型產品。
It is consider that this thesis is research the organic light-emitting diode by solution process. The device is small area green phosphorescence organic light-emitting diode and the structure included single-layer and multi-layer. In order to improve device lifetime, it is propose variety material during the experiment.
To begin with the improvement of the multi-layer, it will induce the dissolution problem between layers and cause the lifetime decreased. It is adopt to electrode match and rapid thermal process which make the carrier injection balanced and molecules could rearrange closely. It will not only enhance two order of the lifetime and reduce the dissolution problem by using two optimized method. The second part is single layer structure, we use the different material property to replace the electron transport material and adding the material with cross-linked. When initial luminance is 1000cd/m2, the lifetime will enhance to 140 hours. It can be concluded that, we can use the result for the large area OLED product in our team.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2有機發光元件簡介與歷史 1
1.3研究動機 2
1.4論文架構 3
第二章 有機發光二極體之基礎原理 4
2.1有機材料之能量轉移機制 4
2.1.1螢光與磷光理論 4
2.1.2主客發光體之能量轉換機制 8
2.2有機發光二極體元件結構與發光原理 11
2.2.1元件結構 11
2.2.2元件發光原理 14
2.2.3元件操作電壓與電流機制 15
2.2.4元件發光效率 17
第三章 有機發光二極體製備流程與材料簡介 19
3.1 有機發光二極體之詳細製備流程 19
3.1.1元件基板陽極蝕刻 19
3.1.2 有機發光二極體之製程方法 23
3.1.3 有機發光二極體之量測 32
3-2有機材料介紹 33
3-2-1電洞注入材料(Hole injection materials) 33
3-2-2電洞傳輸材料(Hole transporting material) 34
3-2-3主客體發光材料(Host-guest emission material) 35
3-2-4電子傳輸材料(Electron transporting material) 37
第四章 實驗動機與結果討論 38
4.1多層有機發光二極體之特性改善 38
4.1.1改變電極搭配 40
4.1.2電洞注入層之膜厚調變 44
4.1.3元件短暫熱退火處理 49
4.2單層有機發光二極體之特性改善 56
4.2.1更換發光層中之電子傳輸層 56
4.2.2添加具熱聚合特性之電洞傳輸材料 63
4.2.3添加具熱聚合特性之電洞傳輸材料並結合快速熱退火 68
第五章 結論 74
參考文獻 75

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