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作者(外文):Li, Zhong-He
論文名稱(外文):An Electromagnetically Driven, Piezoresistively Sensed CMOS MEMS Scanning Mirror for Projection Display
指導教授(外文):Lu, Shiang-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:ElectromagneticMicromirrorPiezoresistive Sensing
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本晶片使用TSMC 2P4M 0.35 um CMOS製程,將電磁式微掃描鏡結構、感測電路與控制電路整合於單一個晶片上,晶片總面積為3.5 mm × 3.6 mm,利用CMOS製程與矽基材來當作結構之質量塊,將快軸與慢軸設計為不同厚度,其中較薄的慢軸可以大幅縮短慢軸長度,降低結構所占面積範圍,另外針對慢軸設計成三根彈簧,可降低應力,避免較大電流驅動時損壞晶片,最後以簡單、低成本的方式開發一套完整的後製程。
完成製程後,微掃描鏡結構之量測結果,快軸共振頻測得為36.6 kHz與慢軸共振頻4.3 kHz,得到與模擬結果一致的模態特性,並且達到SXGA解析度(1280×1024)所需之共振頻。驅動部分採電磁式致動,外部輸入電流至晶片上之線圈與外部磁場交互作用產生勞倫茲力,此方式採用外部磁場與晶片夾45度之架構,驅動雙軸可只需要一組磁場。感測電路部分使用慢軸壓阻感測器,並將輸出的差動訊號經過減法器後,轉為單端訊號,再經過補償電路,確認開迴路增益與相位,符合巴克豪森準則。最後成功的在快軸共振頻達到穩定振盪,投影出一維水平投影,量測其光學角度為3.4度並且此時之驅動電流為6.1 mArms。
An electromagnetic scanning micromirror driven by Lorentz force is studied in this thesis for application in a laser beam scanning projector. In order to produce repetitive scanning at the resonance, polycrystalline silicon deposited on the torsion axis is used to provide piezoresistive sensing of the motion.
The integrated chip containing the mechanical structure, sensing and compensation circuit, is implemented by using the TSMC 2P4M 0.35μm CMOS process. The chip area is 3.5 × 3.6 mm2. By designing torsional beams with different thicknesses for fast and slow scans, the length of the latter can be reduced to minimize the overall scanning mirror size. In addition, the design for the slow axis of three springs can reduce stress and avoid damage to the chip when the larger current driving. We develop a convenient and low-cost post fabrication process and successfully fabricate the scanning micromirror device.
The fabricated micromirror structure designed for SXGA resolution (1280×1024) shows the measured resonant frequencies at 36.6 and 4.3 kHz, respectively, for fast and slow-axis scans. The results are close to the simulated values. Electromagnetic actuation is used for the driving. The Lorentz’s force driving the scanner is created by an external magnet and a current carrying coil. The magnet is placed at 45 degrees relative to the both scan axes. The piezoresistive sensing circuit contains a Wheatstone bridge and a differential-to-single-ended circuit. Through proper gain and phase compensation, sustained oscillation with respect to the fast scan axis is successfully achieved. The optical angle was measured to be 3.4 degrees at 6.1 mArms.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 XII
第1章 緒論 13
1-1 前言 13
1-2 文獻回顧 16
1-3 研究動機 20
1-4 晶片系統架構 21
第2章 微掃描鏡結構設計與製作 24
2-1 掃描機制 24
2-2 解析度計算 25
2-3 羅倫茲力制動原理 29
2-4 結構分析與設計 32
2-5 結構模擬 37
2-6 後製程設計 42
2-7 磁場模擬 45
2-8 電路板設計 47
第3章 電路設計與模擬 49
3-1 振盪迴圈 49
3-2 本論文之振盪迴圈架構 51
3-3 感測電路 52
3-4 補償電路 55
3-5 開迴路之補償電路 59
第4章 量測與討論 61
4-1 製程量測 61
4-2 結構模態量測 68
4-3 製程討論 74
4-4 光學量測 77
4-5 電路量測 80
4-6 系統量測 84
4-7 快軸壓阻問題討論 88
第5章 結論與未來 90
第6章 參考文獻 92
第7章 附錄 97
7-1 商用放大器規格表 97
7-2 不同壓阻放法之壓阻感測器 98
7-3 舊版晶片與新版晶片之比較 101
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