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作者(外文):Cheng, Yu Chung
論文名稱(中文):以個別連接埠快取及佇列提昇OpenFlow 網路交換器效能
論文名稱(外文):Performance Improvement of OpenFlow Switch with Queue and Per-port Cache
指導教授(外文):Lin, Youn Long
口試委員(外文):Huang, Chih Tsun
Huang, Juinn Dar
外文關鍵詞:OpenflowSDNNonblocking CacheWhitebox switch
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  • 評分評分:*****
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軟件定義網絡(SDN)將傳統網路的控制區塊從分散式網絡設備中抽離。在本篇論文中,我們基於目前SDN中的白牌交換機,利用佇列搭配非阻塞式的快取,加快交換機的速度。我們使用NetFPGA網路卡和Open vSwitch軟件來實作白牌交換機。我們將我們的原型與阻塞式設計的快取進行比較。最後實驗結果表明,我們所提出的設計實現了較好的封包處理能力。
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) separates control planes from distributed network devices. For the popular white box SDN platforms, we propose a Queue-based Non- blocking Per-Port Cache design to increase switch throughput. We implement it with the NetFPGA Network Interface Card and the Open vSwitch software search engine. We compare our prototype with a blocking cache design. Experiment results show that the proposed design achieves high throughput.
Abstract i
Contents ii
List of Figures iii
List of Tables iv
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Work 4
2.1 OpenvSwitch.................................. 4
2.2 NetworkTrafficLocality............................ 5
2.3 WhiteBoxSwitch ............................... 6
2.4 Control-MessageQuenching.......................... 8
2.5 Accelerating OpenFlow Switches with Per-port Blocking Cache . . . . . . 9
3 Proposed Methodology 10
3.1 NonblockingCacheProblems ......................... 10
3.2 SwitchDesignFramework ........................... 11
3.3 Q-NPPC Implementation ........................... 13
4 Evaluation 19
4.1 Experiment Considerations .......................... 19
4.2 Experiment Environment ............................ 20
4.3 Results and Analysis................................. 21
4.3.1 Cache hit rate ........................................ 22
4.3.2 Switch throughput ................................. 27
5 Conclusion And Future Work ....................... 36
References ...................................................... 37
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