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作者(外文):Liu, Yen-Ju
論文名稱(外文):Reconfiguration of Maximum-lifetime Data Gathering Trees with Tree Structure Data Broadcasting in Sensor Network
指導教授(外文):Lin, Hwa-Chun
口試委員(外文):Chen, Jiann-Liang
Tsai, Jung-Tsung
外文關鍵詞:Sensor networkTree structure data
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在感測網路中使用資料收集樹收集資料的過程中,各個 sensor 的剩餘電量會改變,此時為了延長感測網路的生命週期,需重新建立新的資料收集樹,找 出適合當下狀況的樹來收集資料。因此在找出感測網路生命週期的過程中,會 產生多顆資料收集樹,來因應感測網路在收集資料時造成的各個 sensor 剩餘電 量的變化。每次在使用新的資料收集樹前,必須要先使網路中的所有 sensor 知 道在新的資料收集樹結構下其父節點與子節點為何,才能開始進行資料收集。 本篇論文設計了傳送新的樹的結構資料給所有 sensor 的方法,及樹結構資料的 格式。除此之外,本篇論文也提出了何時需重新建立新的資料收集樹與使用新 的資料收集樹,以延長感測網路的生命週期。
In the process of receiving data with data gathering tree in sensor network, the residual energy of each sensor may change. At this time, in order to extend the lifetime of sensor network, we need to construct a new data gathering tree again. The new data gathering tree is suitable for the situation of the sensor network at that moment. In order to find a more suitable tree for the situation with the change of residual power of each sensor in the sensor network, we generate multiple data gathering trees to receive data. Before we begin to use a new data gathering tree to receive data, we have to notify every nodes in sensor network about the information of new tree structure such as parent node information and child nodes information under the new data gathering tree structure. In this paper, we design a method to transmit new tree’s tree structure data to all sensors and the format of tree structure data. In addition, we propose a method to decide when to construct a new data gathering tree and when to use the new data gathering tree to extend lifetime of the sensor network.
第一章、Introduction ............................................................................................... 1
第二章、Sensor Network Model ............................................................................. 4
第三章、Reconfiguration......................................................................................... 7
3.1. Reconfigure when R set change......................................................................7
3.1.1. R set definition.....................................................................................7
3.1.2. Factors of reconfiguring when R set change........................................8
3.1.3. Details of using new data gathering trees when R set change ........... 10
3.2. Design and implementation of using better new tree....................................17
3.2.1. Theory of using better new data gathering tree .................................18
3.2.2. Details of using better new data gathering tree..................................20
第四章、Tree structure data.................................................................................28
4.1. Tree structure data format ....................................................................... 28
4.1.1. Arrangement of tree structure data..................................................... 28
4.1.2. Current tree’s node data ..................................................................... 30
4.1.3. New tree’s node data..........................................................................31
4.2. Tree structure data transmission....................................................................34 4.2.1. TDMA schedule ................................................................................. 35 TDMA schedule of initial spanning tree .................................... 35 TDMA schedule of transmitting data to sensor network ........... 35 TDMA schedule of receiving data from sensor network ........... 35
4.3. Tree structure data processing.......................................................................34
第五章、Simulation ............................................................................................ 43
第六章、Conclusion ............................................................................................. 48 References ..........................................................................................................49
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