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作者(外文):He Zhi-Jie
論文名稱(外文):A Flexible 3D Classical Board Game Design with Artificial Intelligence
指導教授(外文):Shih Wei-Kuan
外文關鍵詞:connection gameartificial intelligencehuman computer interaction
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  • 評分評分:*****
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The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to solve the problems related to classical board games is an always challenging research topic. Solution of classical board games enables a human player to play with the computer, such that the player don't need to find another human player. The majority of classical board games are played on a two dimensional boards, and are the researches.
On the other hand, the same classical board game played on three dimensional boards has (i) more complicated solution due to the uncertainty introduced by an additional dimension on top of the two dimensions. (ii) less intuitive user interface (UI) due to the limitation of conventional input devices. As a result, the use of AIs to solve classical board games played on three dimension chess boards are less studied. In this paper, we propose a novel UI for classical board games played on the three dimensional classical board, which is extended from the UI for two dimensional board. In addition, we reveal the difficulties in deriving such a UI, and the solutions to overcome the difficulties. Finally, we implement our UI for a classical board game played on the three dimensional board.
第一章 緒論...1
第二章 研究背景與動機...3
2.1 研究背景...3
2.1.1 人機互動...3
2.1.2 人工智慧...5
2.2 研究動機...6
第三章 方法設計...7
3.1 概觀...7
3.2 棋盤設計...8
3.3 分層式構造...10
3.4 棋盤旋轉...11
第四章 系統實作...13
4.1 三維井字遊戲...13
4.2 微軟Kinect...14
4.3 三維井字遊戲人工智慧...15
4.3.1 盤面編碼表示法...16
4.3.2 演算法...16
4.3.3 勝、負、和...18
4.3.4 位置分數...20
4.3.5 審局...21
4.3.6 開局庫...21
4.4 三維井字遊戲實作...21
4.5 系統介面設計...23
第五章 結論與未來展望...24

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