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作者(外文):Zheng, Chih Chieh
論文名稱(中文):Online Slack-Time Binning for IO-Registered Die-to-Die Interconnects
指導教授(外文):Huang, Shi Yu
外文關鍵詞:slack-timesetup-timeon-line monitoringreliabilitytiming failure threat
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在現今的晶片製造中,將多塊裸晶進行堆疊而形成多裸晶整合晶片變得越來越受重視,因其具有如將多種製程的裸晶進行異質整合、較小的尺寸、高良率的潛力等等優勢。在多裸晶整合晶片中,裸晶之間的連接線的輸入輸出端通常都會設有暫存器,因為其長度可能會變得非常長,導致訊號通過這些連線的延遲大幅增加,並且這些連接線會由許多不同的材料構成而變得相當複雜,很容易就會受到製造瑕疵以及環境壓力造成的性能惡化的影響,這個現象導致在可靠度優先的應用中,需要使用線上性能監測方法來確保晶片能夠正確運作。在這篇論文中,我們提出了一種寬裕時間分組方法(slack-time binning scheme),透過這個方法能夠持續的監測具有輸入與輸出暫存器的裸晶之間的連接線可能發生的時間延遲錯誤。這個方法透過將一個個寬裕時間監測器安置在需要監測的裸晶間連接線接收端的正反器上,能夠在不干擾、中斷電路正常運作的情況下,於背景安靜地監測各個接收端的寬裕時間。我們將會提出兩項針對傳統時序違規檢查器的改進技術:(1)可調變式的保護區域,(2)偏移量補償電路。透過這兩項機制設計而成的寬裕時間監測器,達到我們所提出的線上寬裕時間分組方法。實驗結果指出此種方法能夠追蹤到裸晶間連接線的寬裕時間差異,而每一條待監測的連接線增加的額外面積花費相當於2.35個邊界掃描電路的大小。
In a today's multi-die integrated IC, the die-to-die interconnects are often complicated and susceptible to various kinds of manufacturing defects and stress-induced performance degradation in the field. This phenomenon has prompted a need to perform online monitoring of the signal integrity over the die-to-die interconnects for reliability critical applications. In this work, we present a slack-time binning scheme so that one can quantify the margin of a timing failure threat (TFT) occurring to a registered die-to-de interconnect constantly. The proposed scheme attaches a Slack-Time Monitor (ST-monitor) to each Flip-Flop (FF) that receives a signal transmitted through a die-to-die interconnect under monitoring. Two techniques are introduced to enhance the traditional "Timing-Violation Checker", namely (1) tunable guard-band technique, and (2) offset compensation technique. With these two techniques, one can thereby perform online slack-time binning. Experimental results using a 90nm CMOS process show that the proposed scheme has a low area overhead of only approximately 2.35 times the area of a boundary scan cell.
Abstract i
摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
Content iv
List of Figures v
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Thesis Organization 4
Chapter 2 Preliminaries 5
2.1 Slack-time 5
2.2 Basic Timing-Violation Checker 6
2.3 Related work 7
Chapter 3 Proposed Slack-Time Monitoring Scheme 10
3.1 Basic Slack-Time Monitor 11
3.2 Basic Guard-Band Checking Principle 15
3.3 Progressive Guard-Band Binning Flow 17
3.4 Offset Compensation 19
Chapter 4 Experimental Results 24
4.1 Process Variation 28
4.2 Area overhead 32
Chapter 5 Conclusion 34
References 35

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