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作者(外文):Li, Hung Yi
論文名稱(外文):A Low Complexity Low Power Indoor Positioning System Based on Wireless Received Signal Strength
指導教授(外文):Ma, Hsi Pin
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Pei Yun
Yang, Chia Hsiang
外文關鍵詞:Bluetoothlow powerBLElow complexityindoor positioningRSSI
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近年來,定位相關的應用越來越普及。由於全球定位系統(Global positioning system,GPS)的衛星訊號不能夠穿透建築物到室內,所以室內定位系統需要用其他的技術來設計。在本篇論文中,我們利用藍牙低功耗(Bluetooth low energy,BLE)設計了一個低功耗、低成本的室內定位系統。
本篇論文提出的定位系統是由藍牙低功耗標籤(BLE tag)、藍牙低功耗/無線網路中繼器(BLE/Wi-Fi repeater)和伺服器(Fusion server)所構成。系統中的藍牙低功耗標籤負責廣播藍牙信標,中繼器則會接收標籤傳出的信標並萃取出接收到的訊號強度(Received signal strength,RSS),萃取出的訊號強度資訊會透過無線網路(Wi-Fi)上傳到伺服器,之後伺服器會利用訊號強度相關的定位演算法來估測標籤的位置。本篇論文使用了接收訊號強度指紋(Received signal strength indication-fingerprint)與單位原點(Cell of origin,CoO)的混合式演算法來估測目標位置,並對個別的演算法做改良來提升精準度。
In recent years, applications of positioning have become more and more popular. Since the signals transmitted from global positioning system (GPS) satellites cannot penetrate inside the buildings, there are demands for indoor positioning systems with other technologies. In this thesis, we propose a indoor positioning system based on Bluetooth low energy (BLE)
with characteristics of low power, low cost and high portability .
The proposed system consists of BLE tags, BLE/WiFi repeaters and a fusion server. The BLE tag in our system is a device which broadcasts BLE beacons. The BLE/WiFi repeaters collect the beacons transmitted from the tag and extract the received signal strength (RSS). The RSS values are then transmitted to our fusion server through Wi-Fi, and the server will estimate the position of the BLE tag with RSS-based positioning algorithm. We propose
a indoor positioning algorithm which is a hybrid from received signal strength indication (RSSI)-fingerprint and cell of origin (CoO). Some modifications are made to typical RSSI-fingerprint and CoO algorithm to get better accuracy.
To verify the performance of our system, we take two indoor environments into considerate. The first is the rest area of Delta building in National Tsing-Hua University (NTHU). The second is the office of GYRO system company. Each environment is covered by four BLE/WiFi repeaters. The mean error distance of these two environments are 1.2 m and 1.37 m respectively. Moreover, the size of the BLE tag is 1.7 cm in radius and 0.5 cm thick, that can be easily attached to the localization target. Each BLE tag costs 3 US dollars. So it is friendly for those who need large amounts of them for multi-objects positioning. The current consumption of the tag is 50 A which can be used without charge for 136 days with a CR2025 battery.
1.Introduction (P1)
2.Overview of Indoor Positioning Technologies (P5)
3.Proposed System and Algorithm (P21)
4.Implementation Results (P43)
5.Conclusions and Future Work (P61)
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