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作者(外文):Chang, Hsin Yun
論文名稱(外文):Photo Album Summarization Based on Concise Captioning
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chia Wen
外文關鍵詞:Album descriptionsAlbum tags
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  • 評分評分:*****
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In this paper, we present an automatic album descriptions generation system. Since we build a class text dataset from image dataset by caption generation model, we can measure how the importance from the word to each class. After we have weighting to each word, given an album, the proposed method would generate and choose the descriptions included keywords.
Our method includes three parts: the first part is the image and text information extraction from album. Image information include time information, face data and image feature extraction. Text information is the caption results from generation model for each image in album. The photo’s information would help us to split the time events from time gaps, and will vote for the time event class by pre-train model. Based on the image information, we can get the image summary result that is depended on who the viewer is by previous work.
In second part, we get the keywords to each key frame from text information. Based on time event, we can get other captions as this key frame supplement, and get keywords from counting time event class weighting sum. The class weighting is the tf-idf weighting that we pre-define by the text dataset. Text dataset is the caption results to the images we collect from Google Image search and Flickr album.
Because we want to generate the descriptions that more consistent with full album, we increase the keywords’ probabilities during caption generation and select the final description by keywords in last part.
We design the questionnaire to allow user to view the whole album and judge whether the description of the album. Compare to other methods, ours can be more in line with user thought. The keywords also help to select captions effectively.
摘 要 2
Abstract 3
Content 4
Chapter 1 Introduction 5
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 5
1.2 Research Objective 6
1.3 Thesis Organization 7
Chapter 2 Related Work 8
2.1 Traditional Image Caption Method 8
2.2 Image Caption in Neural Networks 9
2.3 NeuralTalk2 9
Chapter 3 Proposed Method 11
3.1 Overview of Proposed Method 11
3.2 Image Preprocessing 12
3.3 Album Information 13
3.4 Keywords 15
3.5 Caption Model 18
3.6 Generation Results 20
Chapter 4 Experiments and Discussions 22
4.1 Data Collection 22
4.2 Generation Results 23
4.3 Subjective Assessment 25
Chapter 5 Conclusion 30
Reference 31
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