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作者(外文):Chen, Wei Yu
論文名稱(中文):Multiobjective Robust Beamforming for Target SINR Tracking and QoS in Multicell MIMO Wireless Systems with Imperfect Channel State Information
指導教授(外文):Chen, Bor Sen
口試委員(外文):Hong, Yao Win
Wu, Jen Ming
Ueng, Yeong Luh
外文關鍵詞:Linear matrix inequality (LMI)Multicell multi-input multi-output (MIMO)Semidefinite programming (SDP)Robust H-infinity design schemeQuality of service (QoS)Power consumptionMultiobjective optimization problems (MOPs)
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在多細胞多輸入多輸出干擾無線網路中,雖然優良的使用者服務品質可以經由聯合處理技術與合作式波束成型來達成,對於如何處理系統的來回傳送延遲效應以及通道狀態資訊的不確定性仍然具有一定的困難度。在本篇論文中,考慮具不完全通道資訊之多細胞多輸入多輸出干擾無線系統,我們提出最佳化訊號對干擾加雜訊比值追蹤效能之多目標波束成型設計方法以達到所需的使用者服務品質與最小化總和能量消耗的要求。所提出的多目標波束成型設計方法具有以下三項優點。第一,所提出的波束成型設計可以同時達成以下三個目標,分別是最佳化強健 訊號對干擾加雜訊比值之追蹤效能,最小化總和能量消耗,以及最小化網路中最糟情況的干擾能量。第二,根據所提出的強健 訊號對干擾加雜訊比值追蹤方法,最糟多細胞干擾、來回傳送延遲、通道衰減以及雜訊可以被有效的減弱並且能提供比傳統方法更好的設計彈性。第三,根據訊號對干擾加雜訊比值之追蹤模型與總和權重半正定規劃之多目標演化演算法的互相合作,波束成型設計的帕雷托最佳解可以被得到以同時達成所需的使用者服務品質以及最小化總和能量消耗的目標。最後,我們提供數個模擬範例以顯示所提出的設計方法確實可達成所設計的要求以及證明理論分析的正確性。
Although high Quality of Service (QoS) requirement of the multicell multi-input multi-output (MIMO) interference wireless network can be achieved by joint processing (JP) and coordinated beamforming (CB), it is difficult to deal with the delay effect of the system and the uncertainty of the channel information. In this study, we propose a multiobjective beamforming scheme with optimal signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) tracking methods to achieve QoS with minimum power consumption for multicell MIMO interference wireless system with imperfect channel coefficients. The advantages of the proposed multiobjective beamforming scheme are threefold. First, the designed beamforming can achieve three objectives as follows: optimal H-infinity SINR tracking performance, minimum total power consumption, and minimum worst case interference in the multicell MIMO system simultaneously. Second, we show that the multicell interference, round trip delay, channel fading and noise can be efficiently weakened by the proposed robust H-infinity SINR tracking scheme to provide a better feasibility than the conventional methods. Third, through the cooperation between SINR tracking model and the weighting sum semidefinite programming (SDP) with multiobjective evolution algorithm (MOEA), the Pareto optimal beamforming weights can be obtained to achieve QoS requirements with minimum power consumption simultaneously. Finally, we provide several numerical examples to show that the proposed design scheme can achieve favorable results and guarantee the theoretical analysis.
I. Introduction-----------------------------------------1
II. System Model for Robust Beamforming Design----------7
III. Problem Formulation-------------------------------14
IV. Multiobjective Robust Beamforming Design for QoS---18
V. Simulation Results----------------------------------26
VI. Conclusion-----------------------------------------32
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