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作者(外文):Jian, Lu Shih
指導教授(外文):Liaw, Chang Ming
口試委員(外文):Chen, Ching Jan
Liu, Tian Hua
Tseng, Wan Tsun
外文關鍵詞:Micro-gridwind generatorswitched-reluctance machineenergy storage systemflywheelbatterysuper-capacitorinterleavingload inverterplug-in energy harvester
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所建構單相交流源插入式能源支撐系統具兩種電路架構:(1) 單相切換式整流器為主之能源支撐系統:外加一昇壓切換式整流器,由市電建立微電網之直流鏈電壓(400VDC);(2) 單相降壓切換式整流器及昇/降壓切換式整流器為主之能源支撐系統:除全橋整流器及交流側低通濾波器為外加外,其餘均利用固有之電力電路元件,分別對飛輪及電池從事輔助充電。至於三相交流源插入式能源支撐系統,建立一三相維也納昇壓切換式整流器,由適當安排及控制,使微電網總體可從三相交流源、單相交流源或直流電源獲得輔助能源支撐。
This thesis develops the plug-in energy support systems for a wind switched- reluctance generator (SRG) based DC micro-grid. The auxiliary energy support from the accessible AC or DC sources can be achieved as the energy deficiencies of wind source and storage devices occur. First, an available wind SRG based micro-grid is redesigned and employed as the studied platform. It is equipped with a hybrid energy storage system consisting of a flywheel, a lead-acid battery bank and a super-capacitor bank. The common DC bus voltage of micro-grid is established by the SRG via an interleaved boost DC/DC converter. Thanks to the interleaving approach, the well-regulated DC bus voltage with lower ripple and fault-tolerance is preserved. For performing experimental test, a three-phase load inverter is established. The balanced three-phase voltages with good waveform and dynamic response characteristics are obtained by applying the designed space-vector PWM switching and dynamic control schemes. In the hybrid energy storage system, while the super-capacitor bank is directly connected across the SRG output, the battery and the switched-reluctance motor (SRM) driven flywheel are respectively interfaced to the common DC bus via a bilateral buck/boost-buck/boost DC/DC converter and an one-leg bilateral buck-boost DC/DC converter.
In the developed single-phase AC source plug-in energy support systems (ESSs), two schematics are proposed: (i) Single-phase SMR based ESS: an external SMR is added to excite the 400V micro-grid bus from the mains; and (ii) Single-phase buck and buck-boost SMR based ESSs: only a full-bridge diode rectifier and an AC-side low-pass filter are externally added. A buck SMR or a buck-boost SMR is formed using the embedded power devices to dedicatedly charge the flywheel and battery bank. As to the three-phase AC source plug-in ESS, an extra three-phase Vienna SMR is equipped. Through proper arrangement and control, the micro-grid can be supported auxiliary energy from three-phase AC, single-phase AC or DC source.
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 DC Micro-grid 7
2.3 Wind Generator System 8
2.4 Switched-reluctance Machines 10
A. Motor Structure 10
B. Governing Equations 11
C. Dynamic Modeling 13
D. SRM Converters 14
2.5 Some Key Issues of a SRM and a SRG 15
2.6 Some Energy Storage Devices 16
A. Battery 16
B. Flywheel 16
C. Super-capacitor 17
2.7 Interface DC-DC Converters 19
2.8 Switch-mode Rectifiers 20
A. Single-phase SMRs 20
B. Three-phase SMRs 22
2.9 Overview of PWM Inverters 23
A. Single-phase SPWM Inverters 23
B. Three-phase SPWM Inverters 25
C. Zero Sequence Signal Injection
for SPWM Inverter 27
3.1 Introduction 28
3.2 Wind SRG System 29
A. Switched-reluctance Generator 31
B. SRG Interleaved Boost DC/DC
Interface Converter 33
C. Dump Load 38
3.3 SRM-driven Flywheel Energy Storage System 38
A. Power Circuits 38
B. Commutation Scheme 40
C. Control Schemes 40
3.4 Battery Energy Storage System 41
A. Power Circuit 41
B. Control Schemes 41
3.5 Experimental Performance Evaluation 42
A. Wind SRG 42
B. DC Micro-grid Established by SRG via
Interleaved Boost DC/DC Converter
without SC 47
C. DC Micro-grid Established by SRG via
Interleaved Boost DC/DC Converter
with SC 51
D. Dump Load 53
E. SRM-driven Flywheel Energy Storage System 53
F. Battery Energy Storage System 57
4.1 Introduction 59
4.2 SRM-driven Flywheel with Plug-in Interleaved Buck
SMR Front-end 59
A. Power Circuit 60
B. Control Schemes 64
4.3 Measured Results of the Established Plug-in
Interleaved Buck SMR fed SRM-driven Flywheel 66
4.4 Battery Auxiliary Charging with Plug-in Buck-boost
SMR under CCM 69
A. Power Circuit 70
B. Control Schemes 74
4.5 Measured Results of the Plug-in Buck-boost SMR
based Battery Charger under CCM 75
A. Resistive Load 75
B. Battery Charging 77
4.6 Battery Auxiliary Charging with Plug-in Buck-boost
SMR under DCM 78
A. Power Circuit 78
B. Voltage Controller 81
4.7 Measured Results of the Plug-in Buck-boost SMR
based Battery Charger under DCM 82
5.1 Introduction 85
5.2 Single-phase Boost SMR 85
A. Power Circuit 87
B. Control Schemes 88
5.3 Three-phase Vienna Boost SMR 90
A. Power Circuit 91
B. Control Schemes 98
C. Simulation Results 99
5.4 Three-phase PWM Load Inverter 100
A. Power Circuit 100
B. Control Schemes 102
5.5 Evaluation of the Plug-in Mechanism for Powering
Resistive Load, Load Inverter, Charging Battery and
Driving Flywheel 104
A. Single-phase Boost SMR 104
B. Three-phase Vienna SMR 117

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F. Switched-mode Rectifiers
Single-phase SMRs
[111] B. Singh, B. N. Singh, A. Chandra, K. Al-Haddad, A. Pandey, and D. P. Kothari, “A review of single-phase improved power quality AC-DC converter,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 962-981, 2003.
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[113] L. Solero, V. Serrao, M. Montuoro, and A. Romanelli, “Low THD variable load buck PFC converter,” in Proc. PESC, 2008, pp. 906-912.
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[116] A. Abouloifa and F. Giri, “Nonlinear control of buck-boost AC/DC converters: output voltage regulation & power factor correction,” in Proc. IEEE ACC, 2004, vol. 1, pp. 168-173.
[117] M. S. Agamy and P. K. Jain, “A robust controller for a class of front-end buck-boost high power factor rectifiers,” in Proc. IEEE PESC, 2005, pp. 1998-2004.
[118] G. Moschopoulos and Z. Yongqiang, “Buck-boost type AC-DC single-stage converters,” in Proc. IEEE ISIE, 2006, vol. 2, pp. 1123-1128.
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Three-phase SMRs
[121] B. Singh, B. N. Singh, A. Chandra, K. Al-Haddad, A. Pandey, and D. P. Kothari, “A review of three-phase improved power quality AC-DC converter,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 641-660, 2004.
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[125] H. Ertl, J. W. Kolar, and F. C. Zach, “Design and experimental investigation of a three-phase high power density high efficiency unity power factor PWM (VIENNA) rectifier employing a novel integrated power semiconductor module,” in Proc. IEEE APEC, 1996, pp. 514-523.
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[129] J. Hui, A. Bakhshai, and P. K. Jain, “Control and modeling of a wind energy system with a three-phase DCM boost converter and a sensorless maximum point power tracking method,” in Proc. IEEE/PES Transm. Distrib. Conf. Expo., 2012, pp. 1-7.

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