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作者(外文):Wu, Meng Chen
論文名稱(外文):Development of the Three-phase Four-Wire Active Power Filter with the Neutral Point Clamped Converter
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Po Tai
口試委員(外文):Chiu, Huang-Jen
Chen, Ching-Jan
外文關鍵詞:Active power filterthree-leg four wirefour-leg four wire
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Harmonics produced by the various loads in power system is a great issue. The undesired current harmonics cause stress to the power system. Active power filter have already been developed for years to solving the problems of harmonic suppression and reactive power compensation simultaneously. In the past, it was usually developed in the form of three-phase three-wire structure.
However, if the system is not perfectly balance, fourth wire current will happen in three-phase four-wire system. Furthermore, if the single phase non-linear loads are widely used, very high fourth wire currents will be observed. The voltage of PCC might be distorted by the harmonic made by loads, and the fourth wire current could damage the distribution transformer. Based on those situations, three-phase four-wire APF becomes more indispensable to not only deal with the harmonic current components but also the fourth wire current compensation in the power system.
The NPC converter is widely used in three-phase three-wire system, and it has the structure of split DC capacitors. The neutral point of the DC capacitor can be connected with the fourth wire. Therefore, the NPC inverter is chosen to be the main structure of the three-phase four-wire APF in this paper.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 1
1.3 Thesis Organization 2
Chapter 2 Literature Survey 3
2.1 Load Compensation Type of Active Power Filter 3
2.2 Three-Phase Four-Wire APF 7
2.2.1 Three-Leg Four-Wire APF 7
2.2.2 Four-Leg Four-Wire APF 7
2.3 Three Level NPC as a Three-Phase Four-Wire APF 9
Chapter 3 Operation Principle 12
3.1 Introduction 12
3.2 Controller description 14
3.3 Fourth wire Current Control 18
3.3.1 Three Leg Four Wire APF 18
3.3.2 Four Leg Four Wire APF 21
3.4 Synchronous frame integral control for 3rd, 5th harmonics 23
3.5 LPF in DC bus voltage feedback 25
3.6 Bipolar Switching 28
3.6.1 Midpoint Voltage Balancing 28
Chapter 4 Experimental Result 32
4.1 Introduction 32
4.2 Experimental Test Bench 32
4.2.1 Three-Phase Four-Wire Active Power Filter 32
4.2.2 Linear Load 35
4.2.3 Non-linear Load 36
4.3 Laboratory Test Results 38
4.3.1 Three-leg APF 38 Linear Load with P control Strategy 39 Non-linear Load with P control Strategy 40 Non-linear Load with PI control strategy 42 Discussion 44
4.3.2 Four-leg APF 45 Linear Load P control 45 Non-linear Load with P control strategy 47 Non-linear Load with PI control strategy 49 Discussion 51
4.3.3 LPF in DC Bus added in Voltage Feedback 52
4.3.4 Bipolar in midpoint voltage balancing 53
4.4 The Comparison between Three-Leg APF and Four-Leg APF 56
4.4.1 DC bus voltage level 56
4.4.2 Midpoint voltage ripple 58
4.5 Summary 60
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 61
5.1 Conclusion 61
5.2 Future work 61
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