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作者(外文):Yi, Shang-Yi
論文名稱(外文):Substrate-Independent Immobilization of Monolayer Metal Nanoparticles Array via Self-Assembly for Efficient Antibiofilm Coatings and Food Safety Sensing Platforms
指導教授(外文):Wan, Dehui
口試委員(外文):Chang, Hwan-You
Cheng, Chao-Min
外文關鍵詞:metal nanoparticles arrayantibiofilmbiosensing
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本論文為利用濕式化學法將金屬奈米粒子陣列自組裝於各式高分子與金屬基板上,將其應用於植入性醫材抗菌塗層與食品安全檢測中。在過往研究中,雖然有許多方法可將金屬奈米粒子製備於基板上,但是往往需要昂貴的設備、繁瑣的製程或是基板的選擇相對有限。因此,在論文的第一部分,我們開發一種濕式化學製程,成功將金屬奈米粒子均勻地自組裝於二維與三維基材上。接著,在論文的第二及第三部分,我們結合金屬奈米粒子獨特的化學及光學特性,進一步探討此製程技術之應用。在第二部分中,我們評估銀奈米粒子陣列之抗菌塗層於大腸桿菌、綠膿桿菌與金黃色葡萄球菌之抗生物膜(anti-biofilm)效果,透過生化分析及電顯觀察,我們發現銀奈米粒子陣列之抗菌塗層可顯著抑制生物膜生成,更重要的是,銀奈米粒子陣列之抗菌塗層對小鼠纖維母細胞幾乎不具毒性,初步顯示其具良好的生物相容性。在第三部份中,我們製備金屬奈米粒子陣列於聚對苯二甲酸乙二酯上,以檢測食物腐敗過程中產生的生物胺。藉由食物腐敗散發出之腐胺氣體分子附著於金屬奈米粒子上,造成奈米粒子之周圍環境折射率改變,進而改變金屬奈米粒子之侷域表面電漿共振之光學性質,以此奈米氣體感測平台兼具快速反應及高靈敏度—在反應15秒內即可以肉眼判斷試片表面之顏色變化,透過試片影像分析色彩變化量其最低偵測極限可至43 ppm,若以光譜儀觀察特徵峰之位移量其最低偵測極限可至3 ppm,因此我們開發的低成本、可拋棄式金屬奈米粒子陣列試片可做為即時檢測食物新鮮度之指標。
In this study, we demonstrate that polymers and metal substrates can be coated metal nanoparticles [i.e., gold nanoparticles (Au NPs), silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs), hollow gold nanoparticles (HGNs)] can be immobilized onto polymer and metal substrates via self-assembly.The substrates functionalized with metal nanoparticles can be applied to biomedical engineering and detection of food safety. In previous studies, some methods have been developed to immobilize metal nanoparticles onto substrates, which typically need expensive equipments, complicated procedures, and restricted types of material.In first part of my thesis, we demonstrate that monolayer metal nanoparticles array can be homogenously immobilized onto polymer and metal substrates via the wet-chemical method, and systematically discuss the mechanism of self-assembly. Next, we utilized the functionalized substrates to develop two applications using the chemical and optical properties of metal nanoparticles. In the second part, we immobilized Ag NPs onto implantable devices hasing a polymer or metal surface, and found the nanoparticles coating presented efficient anti-biofilm activity against E.coli, P.sudomonas, S.aureus. More importantly the nanoparticle-coated substrates show negligible cytotoxicity toward NIH-3T3 cell. In the third part, the amount of the biogenic amines has been proved to be associated with corruption of seafood. Therefore, we used a low-cost, dispsable, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrates to develop a colorimetric sensor for the detection of biogenic amines. The PET-based sensors display the optical changes upon increasing putrescine concentration, which was attributed to the red-shift of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) absorption peak of metal nanoparticles. In order to verify the concept, we spiked various concentrations of putrescine in fresh salmon samples purchased from the local market. Visible color change was observed in the silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) biosensor by the naked-eye within 15 seconds, with a limit of detection (LOD) of 43 ppm. The gold and hollow gold nanoparticles (AuHGN) biosensor showed obvious spectral peak shifts, with its LOD as low as 3 ppm. Both biosensors demonstrated LODs well below the European Commission’s recommended concentration of 300 ppm and provided a biosensing platform for the low-cost and simple detection of biogenic amines. Finally, we demonstrate that the food freshness could be in situ monitored by naked eyes by using our PET-based sensors.
誌謝 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2論文架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1製備單層金屬奈米粒子陣列於基材上 3
2.1.1以物理性方法製備金屬奈米粒子陣列於基板上 3
2.1.2以化學性方法製備金屬奈米粒子陣列於基板上 5
2.1.3金屬奈米粒子陣列於基板上之應用 6
2.2植入性醫材之抗生物膜塗層 7
2.2.1生物膜生成機制 7
2.2.2臨床上對細菌感染之因應方法 8
2.2.3銀奈米粒子之抗菌機制 10
2.3檢測食物中腐敗產生之生物胺 15
2.3.1食物中之生物胺 15
2.3.2生物胺之含量標準 16
2.3.3檢測食物腐敗時生物胺生成之方法 17
2.3.4金屬奈米粒子光學性質與生醫工程上之應用 18
第三章 自組裝單層金屬奈米粒子陣列於基材上 23
3.1研究目的 23
3.2實驗材料與方法 24
3.3研究結果與討論 27
3.3.1製備烷基矽烷分子陣列於高分子與金屬基板 27
3.3.2製備金屬奈米粒子陣列自組裝於高分子與金屬基板 33
3.3.3形貌分析 35
3.4結論 42
第四章 銀奈米粒子陣列應用於生醫材料抗菌塗層 43
4.1研究目的 43
4.2研究方法 44
4.3研究結果與討論 49
4.3.1銀奈米粒子陣列應用於植入性醫材抗菌塗層 49
4.3.2評估抗生物膜生成之效果 50
4.3.3評估銀奈米粒子抗菌塗層於生理食鹽水中銀釋放量 59
4.3.4評估銀釋放後的抗菌塗層其抗生物膜生成之效果 60
4.3.5評估抗菌塗層於不同保存環境下之化學穩定性 62
4.3.6生物相容性試驗 65
4.3.7評估銀奈米粒子抗菌塗層於臨床上醫材之抗生物膜效果 68
第五章 功能性奈米粒子陣列應用於食安快篩試片之研究 71
5.1研究目的 71
5.2研究方法 72
5.3研究結果與討論 74
5.3.1金屬奈米粒子陣列應用於食品安全快篩之試片 74
5.3.2探討生物胺分子吸附於檢測試片之靈敏性測試 76
5.3.3不同生物胺溶液之選擇性 81
5.3.4氣體干擾物測試 82
5.3.5檢測試片吸附生物胺後置於不同環境之恢復程度 83
5.3.6檢測市售上實際肉品之新鮮度 85
5.4結論 93
第六章 總結 95
參考文獻 96

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