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作者(外文):Huang, Bo Cin
論文名稱(外文):Quantification Methodology for 2D Inkjet-Printed Patterns
指導教授(外文):Lo, Cheng Yao
口試委員(外文):Chen, ChengHuan
Chen, Rong Shun
外文關鍵詞:inkjetline edge roughnesspatterning
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  • 點閱點閱:463
  • 評分評分:*****
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A methodology for quantifying and qualifying pattern transfer completeness in inkjet printing through examining both pattern dimensions and pattern contour deviations from reference design is proposed, which enables scientifically identifying and evaluating inkjet-printed lines, corners, circles, ellipses, and spirals with irregular edges of bulging, necking, and unpredictable distortions resulting from different process conditions. This methodology not only avoids differences in individual perceptions of ambiguous pattern distortions but also indicates the systematic effects of mechanical stresses applied in different directions to a polymer substrate, and is effective for both optical and electrical microscopy in direct and indirect lithography or lithography-free patterning.
摘要 I
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XI
符號表 XII
第1章 緒論 1
第2章 理論與設計 17
第3章 實驗製程方法 29
第4章 結果與討論 41
第5章 結論 59
第6章 未來工作 61
參考文獻 65
附錄一 阿基米德螺旋邊緣平整度之語法 67
附錄二 雙曲螺旋邊緣平整度之語法 73
附錄三 費馬螺旋邊緣平整度之語法 77
附錄四 對數螺旋邊緣平整度之語法 83
附錄五 連鎖螺旋邊緣平整度之語法 87
附錄六 軟體操作流程 93
發表清單 99
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