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作者(外文):Chen,Wen Li
論文名稱(外文):The investigation of mature female consumer's preference for brassiere design
指導教授(外文):Lu,Jun Ming
口試委員(外文):Jheng,Jing Yi
You,Zhi Yun
外文關鍵詞:kansei engineeringquantification theory type Iprincipal component analysiscluster analysisexpectation disconfirmation
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In response to the growing demand from the aging population, this study aims to relate mature females’ subjective feelings to the design parameters of brassiere. Ten mature-consumer-oriented brassieres available in the market were chosen for investigation. A questionnaire survey of 101 females and a series of expert assessment were conducted to help identify 20 pairwise phrases that describe the feelings delivered by the brassiere. Invite 12 female to join the research, whose ages are between 50 to 59, the educational level are above junior high school with the bra size are 80B, and has ever browsed the lingerie website. After that, it covers four stages of brassiere purchase, including previewing the product on the Internet and catalog, seeing the product in reality, seeing and touching the product in reality, and trying on the product. At the end of each of the four stages, the participant will rate her feeling toward the sample based on the 20 sets of pairwise phrases. Finally, an open interview will be performed to collect the overall feelings and additional comments.
With the subjective ratings, principal component analysis were conducted to extract the two major adjectives that explain the variation among samples. Cluster analysis was further employed to determine the few categories of brassiere designed for mature females. Moreover, through the use of Quantification Theory Type I, the relationship between design parameters and subjective feelings were identified towards the better design. In phase 1 (part I: network vision) the embroidery lace can create feelings of "beautiful and cool". In phase 1 (part II: visual image) the general rims and embroidery lace can create feelings of "beautiful and covered". In phase 2 (real vision)general rims and front closure buckle can create feelings of "beautiful and function". In phase 3 (combining vision and tactile sense) the full cup and general rims can create feelings of "cool and support". In phase 4 (try-on) general rims and elastic lace can create feelings of "beautiful and perspiration".
On the other hand, the users expectation disconfirmation were discussed by comparing the different stages:In network vision vs. combining vision and tactiles sense can using multiple camera angles on the web or using more function material. In network vision vs. try on can can using text description of the material property or encourage consumers try on. In visual image vs. real vision can enlarge detail design in pictrure or using high-quality color output. In visual image vs. combining vision and tactile sense can using text describe consumer touh or try-on experience. In visual image vs. try-on can using text description of the material property or encourage consumers try on. In real vision vs. combining vision and tactile sense can using text describes consumers feeling of touch. In combining vision and tactile sense vs. try on can using text describes models body shape and they wear bras conditions or encourage consumer try on. Here’s an advice for inspiring customer’s shopping desire by controlling the design parameter to decrease the expectation disconfirmation. So that consumers are satisfied and the requirements of aged consumer can be valued appropriately.
1.1 研究背景與動機.........................................8
1.2 研究目的..............................................10
1.3 研究架構..............................................11
2.1 熟齡女性胸部及身形變化與對應之胸罩需求...................14
2.2 穿著胸罩涉及之感覺.....................................18
2.3 感性工學..............................................22
2.3.1 數量化理論一類..................................25
2.3.2 主成分分析......................................26
2.3.3 集群分析........................................27
2.4 消費者之期望失驗.......................................28
2.5 小結..................................................29
三、 研究方法.................................................30
3.1 研究規畫與準備........................................30
3.1.1 研究流程設計....................................30
3.1.2 胸罩樣本蒐集及篩選...............................32
3.1.3 感性語彙蒐集、篩選及問卷製作......................36
3.2 研究參與者............................................45
3.3 資料蒐集..............................................46
3.4 統計分析..............................................53
4.1 基本資料與穿戴胸罩之習慣...............................55
4.2 第一階段(第一部分):網路視覺..........................57
4.2.1 主成分分析......................................57
4.2.2 集群分析........................................59
4.2.3 數量化理論一類..................................60
4.2.4 討論...........................................62
4.3 第一階段(第二部分):圖片平面視覺......................62
4.3.1 主成分分析......................................62
4.3.2 集群分析........................................64
4.3.3 數量化理論一類..................................65
4.3.4 討論...........................................67
4.4.1 主成分分析......................................68
4.4.2 集群分析........................................70
4.4.3 數量化理論一類..................................71
4.4.4 討論...........................................73
4.5.1 主成分分析......................................74
4.5.2 集群分析........................................77
4.5.3 數量化理論一類..................................77
4.5.4 討論...........................................79
4.6.1 主成分分析......................................80
4.6.2 集群分析........................................83
4.6.3 數量化理論一類..................................83
4.6.4 討論...........................................85
4.7 小結.................................................86
5.1.1 樣本1...........................................89
5.1.2 樣本2...........................................91
5.1.3 樣本3...........................................93
5.1.4 樣本4...........................................95
5.1.5 樣本5...........................................97
5.1.6 樣本6...........................................99
5.1.7 樣本7..........................................101
5.1.8 樣本8..........................................103
5.1.9 樣本9..........................................105
5.1.10 樣本10........................................107
5.3 小結................................................112
六、結論 ....................................................114
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