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作者(外文):Lo, Fang Fang
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and improvement ofmusculoskeletal disorders associated with blood sampling initiationamong medical technologists
指導教授(外文):Lu, Jun Ming
外文關鍵詞:medical technologistblood samplingmusculoskeletal disordersNMQBRIEFRULAART
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Blood sampling is one of the daily routines performed by medical technologists, which highly requires manual operations. The potential risks arehence too important to be ignored. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) associated with blood samplingamong medical technologists through the use of subjective questionnaire and objective evaluationtools.
The NMQ (Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire)results of 37 participants showed that the prevalence of the overall MSDs is 97.3%. Among the few body parts, the prevalence of MSDs is highest at shoulders(83.8%), followed by neck (81.1%), hands or wrists(62.2%), waist or lower back (59.5%), upper back (45.9%), and elbows(40.5%). Considering the effects of individual backgrouns and working conditions, one’s gender, height, weight, and BMI, frequency of staying up, alcohol use, exercise intensity, overall seniority, seniority of current job, and working days per week have influence on the prevalence of MSDs. In addition, four ergonomic checklists were employed to assess the risks of MSDs. The results of MSDs checklistindicated higher risks at neck and shoulders, fingers, wrists, elbows, and back. The results of BRIEF showed higher risks at neck, back, left elbow, left shoulder, right hand, right wrist, right elbow and right shoulder. Results of RULA showed higher risks at neck, trunk, wrists, upper arms and forearms. ART revealed higher risks at neck, arms, wrists, fingers, and back. Among them, the analysis results of MSDs are more consistent with that of NMQ, followed by RULA, BRIEF, and ART. This suggests thatthe MSDs analysis can be replacedby NMQ, which saves some more time for the analysis with other checklists.
Overall, the major risk factors of blood drawing process are the repeated tasks and imadequatebody posturesbeing performed while checking the test items and insertingthe health insurance card at registration, verifying barcodes and tearing off the tags of
barcodes, preparing needles and sample tubes, decontaminating the patient’s skin, inserting the needle, pulling out the needle, and taking off the needle from the needle base. It is recommended to reallocate the manpower and redesign the working environment, so as to reduce the risks of MSDs induced by blood sampling among medical technologists.
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iv
誌謝 vi
目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討
2.1 醫事檢驗師的作業環境與特性 5
2.2 工作環境的危害 6
2.2.1人因工程的肌肉骨骼危害相關研究 6
2.3 肌肉骨骼傷害評估工具 10
2.3.1主觀自覺問卷調查 10
2.3.2人因工程檢核表 11 MSDs人因工程檢核表 11人因基準線風險認定檢核表(BRIEF 12快速上肢評估(RULA) 13上肢重複性作業評估表(ART) 16人因工程檢核表與主觀不適之一致性分析 17
第三章 主觀問卷調查
3.1 研究方法 18
3.1.1 研究對象與期間 18
3.1.2 研究工具 18
3.1.3 資料分析方法 19
3.2 研究結果 19
3.2.1 描述性統計 19 基本資料分析 19 個人習慣分析 20 資訊設備使用分析 21 工作資料分析 21 肌肉骨骼不適症狀分析 23
3.2.2 肌肉骨骼不適與各因子之關係 31 個人背景對於肌肉骨骼不適盛行率之影響 31 個人習慣對於肌肉骨骼不適盛行率之影響 34 工作特性對於肌肉骨骼不適盛行率之影響 36 資訊設備使用對於肌肉骨骼不適盛行率之影響 36
第四章 現場作業分析
4.1 研究方法 37
4.1.1 研究對象 37
4.1.2 研究工具 37
4.1.3現場工作觀察 38
4.2 研究結果 41
4.2.1 MSDs分析結果 41 MSDs檢核表與主觀不適之一致性分析 46
4.2.2 BRIEF分析結果 48 BRIEF檢核表與主觀不適之一致性分析 52
4.2.3 RULA分析結果 53檢核表與主觀不適之一致性分析54
4.2.4 ART分析結果 55 ART檢核表與主觀不適之一致性分析 57
第五章 討論
5.1 主觀問卷調查 58
5.2 現場作業分析 62
5.2.1動作分析結果 62
5.3 人因工程檢核表與主觀不適之一致性分析 66
5.4 改善建議 67
第六章 結論
6.1 主要發現 70
6.1.1主觀問卷調查 70
6.1.2現場作業分析 71
6.1.3 潛在風險因子 71
6.1.4 改善對策 72
6.2 主要貢獻 73
6.3 研究限制與未來研究方向 73
參考文獻 75
附錄一 馬偕紀念醫院人體研究倫理委員會同意函 77
附錄二 主觀性自覺問卷NMQ 81
附錄三 MSDs人因工程檢核表 92
附錄四 BRIEF人因基準風險認定檢核表 97
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