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作者(外文):Chu, Ning Min
論文名稱(外文):Multi-document Context Relationship Analysis - A Case Study of Product Related Documents
指導教授(外文):Hou, Jiang Liang
外文關鍵詞:Document Context RelationshipClassificationReading Recommendation
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  • 點閱點閱:867
  • 評分評分:*****
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As one searches required documents via keywords over the Internet, ranks of the related documents are determined based on their correlation with the specified keywords and their click rates. That is, context relationship between the related documents is not employed to determine the rank. As a result, readers have to spend more time to understand the document contents or face difficulties in understanding the documents. In order to solve the problems, this research analyzes a great number of documents and generalizes the relationship between document characteristics and document categories. On the basis of the analysis results, this research develops a model for context relationship analysis of multiple documents. By using the proposed model, characteristics and categories of documents can be identified by using determinant vectors. Finally, the documents can be sorted and the context relationship of documents can be visually displayed for reading. As a whole, the research can assist readers to acquire reasonable and visualized ranking of documents and to read the documents in appropriate sequence.

摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
第一章、研究背景 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2研究步驟 4
1.3研究定位 7
第二章、文獻回顧 11
2.1文件特質擷取 11
2.1.1依質化特性擷取文件特質 11
2.1.2依量化特性擷取文件特質 14
2.1.3依質化與量化特性擷取文件特質 20
2.2文件分類 24
2.2.1以監督式方法判定文件類別 24
2.2.2以半監督式方法判定文件類別 32
2.2.3以非監督式方法判定文件類別 35
2.3文件排序 39
2.3.1以搜尋字特質為基礎之文件排序模式 39
2.3.2以文件特質為基礎之文件排序模式 42
2.3.3以資訊需求者特質為基礎之文件排序模式 48
2.4小結 52
第三章、以文件內容為基礎之多文件脈絡關係分析模式 54
3.1現行文件內容解析 55
3.1.1文件特徵點與文件類別釐清 56
3.1.2特徵點與文件類別之關係分析 62
3.2文件特質擷取 67
3.3文件類別判定 74
3.4文件脈絡排序 91
3.5小結 95
第四章、系統規劃與架構 97
4.1系統核心架構 97
4.2系統功能架構 98
4.3資料模式定義 101
4.4系統功能運作流程 103
4.4.1系統功能操作流程 103
4.4.2系統資料傳遞流程 107
4.5系統開發工具 108
第五章、系統績效驗證與分析 109
5.1系統運作概況說明 109
5.2系統驗證方式說明 114
5.3系統驗證結果分析 118
第六章、結論與未來發展 136
6.1論文總結 136
6.2未來發展 139
參考文獻 141
附錄A、現行文件內容解析前置作業 147
附錄B、系統功能說明 166
附錄C、模式與系統於第二階段各週期之績效驗證結果 182


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