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作者(外文):Lu, Kuan Jung
論文名稱(中文):介電式液態透鏡用於3D金屬雷射列印 之表面缺陷檢測
論文名稱(外文):Using Dielectric Liquid Lens to Detect Surface Defects of 3D Metal Laser Printing
指導教授(外文):Yhe, Jer Liang
口試委員(外文):Huang, Kuo Cheng
Tsai, Chih Wei
Chen, Shin Pao
外文關鍵詞:Dielectric liquid lens3D metal printingholesreal-time detection
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本論文的目標是將實驗室所開發之介電式液態透鏡作為變焦元件,應用於3D金屬雷射列印的即時檢測中,以單一鏡頭模組,來拍攝金屬3D列印的半成品樣品的孔洞,鏡頭模組以介電式液態透鏡緊貼1/5 ''的CMOS感測器與鏡頭,工作距離介於15-26 mm之間,並使用可調變的環形暗場光源,依照不同放大倍率提供相對應的光源,可拍攝出解析度約為50 μm的金屬表面影像,另外使用影像處理軟體計算孔洞面積及深度,並討論表面影像與樣品缺陷之關聯性,未來可利用多排陣列的方式,將光機系統架設在粉末推床上,利用介電式液態透鏡快速變焦之特性,在不同位置及不同焦距下進行拍攝,以建構出完整的雷射燒結金屬3D列印燒結表面狀況。
3D printing is the additive manufacturing technology. Recently, more diversity of metallic material has been actively developed and applied in the aerospace and manufacturing industry. Therein, the precision and defect will affect the quality of the printing product. Therefore, the real-time detection of metallic surface of 3D printing product was very important, and then the defect and the hole of 3D metal printing product can be repaired instantly.
This study has been devoted to dielectric liquid lens as a zoom element for real-time detection of 3D metal printing. In the experiment, a single lens module was employed to acquire the holes images of semi-finished 3D metal printing samples. Therein dielectric liquid lens closely contact to the camera lens with 1/5 '' CMOS sensor, and the working distance ranged from 15 to 26 mm. Using an adjustable dark field annular light source to provide appropriate light source in accordance with different magnifications. Metal surface image which resolution of 50 μm can be taken, and the area and depth of holes can be calculated by using image processing software and the relationship between the defects and image intensity can be built for the real-time detection. In the future, the optical systems with multiple rows arrays will be designed, and mounted in a powder bed push of 3D metal printing system. Finally, the complete surface image of the 3D metal printing product can be constructed owing to the dielectric liquid lens have the characteristics of fast zoom, shoot in different locations and different working distance.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
符號表 xi
縮寫表 xiii
公式表 xiv
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 3D列印發展 1
1.1.2 金屬3D列印 1
1.1.3金屬列印之缺陷[6] 3
1.2文獻回顧 5
1.2.1 現有及開發中的金屬3D列印之檢測 5
1.2.2 光學系統之對焦技術 7
1.3研究動機與目標 11
1.4 論文架構 12
第二章 基礎理論 13
2.1 介電式液態透鏡變焦技術 13
2.1.1 驅動原理 13
2.1.2 光學特性分析 14
2.1.3立體取像理論[24] 15
2.2暗場照明[27] 17
2.3對比度[28] 17
2.4 Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)[28] 18
第三章 變焦距顯微模組設計 19
3.1 系統設計 19
3.1.1 設計流程 19
3.1.2 學理流程 20
3.1.3檢測目標及預期系統架構 21
3.1.4預期光學規格設計 22
3.2系統架構 24
3.2.1鏡頭模組規格 24
3.2.2 介電式液態透鏡規格 27
3.2.3光源設計 28
3.3實驗架設 31
3.4光學模擬 33
3.4.1 參數設定 33
3.4.2 模擬結果及討論 34
第四章 實驗結果與討論 39
4.1 量測與分析標準作業程序 39
4.2 標準片拍攝與分析 40
4.2.1 linepair實際拍攝 40
4.2.2光學畸變(distortion) 60
4.3 實物拍攝 67
4.3.1解析度( Resolution) 67
4.3.2 暗場和明場的孔洞拍攝 75
4.4 影像處理與分析 78
4.4.1 測量XY軸孔洞大小 78
4.4.2 測量Z軸孔洞深度 85
4.4.3 白光干涉儀驗證 87
4.4.4 辨別方法 93
第五章 結論 95
第六章 未來工作 97
參考文獻 98

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