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作者(外文):Li, Sheng Wei
論文名稱(外文):Parametric Investigation of a Brake Actuator by Using Magneto-Rheological Fluid
指導教授(外文):Chang, Jen-Yuan
口試委員(外文):Sung, Cheng-Kuo
Tsao, Che-Chih
外文關鍵詞:Intelligent fluidBrake
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  • 點閱點閱:648
  • 評分評分:*****
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Brake system has a long history on development and has been widely applied on mechanical components in the field of transportations and machine tools. There are many different types of brake mechanisms, such as using tension cables, hydraulics and electronics. Electronic brakes are becoming a very popular and main stream solution for brake mechanism. Currently, the existing non-contact brakes on the market can be divided into two main types which are electromagnetic induction brakes, and intelligent fluid brakes. Electromagnetic induction brakes use the induced magnetic field of an electric current to produce braking force. The braking force for the intelligent fluid brake is provided by the viscous force existing between stators and rotors. For the reason that the viscous force of the intelligent fluid will change with the intensity of the external excitation source, the characteristic can be used to control the braking torque. Comparing with the conventional brake system, these two brakes have the advantage of low wear for the reason that the brake does not have solid contact. However, the intelligent fluid brake studied by this research is not popular in Taiwan. Therefore, a novel intelligent fluid brake using permanent magnet as the external excitation has been investigated in this thesis. For the intelligent fluid brake, there are three factors related to the brake torque have been studied in the thesis. First, the distance between the external excitation and the surface of the intelligent fluid. Second, the rotating speed of the rotor. Third, the arrangement angle of the external excitation. The research has been conducted in three aspects which are simulation, analysis and the theoretical model.
The result of the study shows that the error percentage between the theoretical value from the proposed calculation model and measured value can be as low as 1% , while the error is measured to be lower than 14% with rotating speeds greater than 60RPM.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機與目的 3
1.3文獻回顧 7
1.4研究方法 12
第二章 理論背景 13
2.1磁流變液之組成特性與工程應用 13
2.1.1智能流體 13
2.1.2磁流變液(Magnetorheological fluid)之組成成分與特性 14
2.1.3賓漢模型(Bingham model)於磁流變液之應用 15
2.1.4磁流變液之黏滯係數 16
2.1.5磁流變液於工程上之操作模式 17
2.2電磁學理論 19
2.2.1安培定理 19
2.2.2 B-H關係 20
2.2.3 磁通量與高斯定律 22
2.2.4電磁分析 23
2.2.5 含磁流變液之磁路分析 25
第三章 磁流變液剎車之結構設計與磁場分布 27
3.1磁流變液剎車結構設計 27
3.1.1磁流變液剎車之設計概念 27
3.1.2 磁流變液剎車輸出扭矩之計算 29
3.1.3外加磁場設置與控制方法 30
3.2磁流變液剎車之磁場模擬與量測 34
3.2.1 Ansoft Maxwell 3D建模 35
3.2.2磁場量測 36
3.2.3模擬與量測結果之比較 38
第四章 磁流變液剎車之量測平台架設與性能測試 40
4.1磁流變液剎車扭矩測試平台 40
4.2透過模擬推算磁流變液剎車所能輸出之扭矩 44
4.3扭矩測試結果 47
4.3.1固定永久磁鐵排列角度為360°之扭矩測試結果 47
4.3.2固定永久磁鐵排列角度為300°之扭矩測試結果 49
4.3.3固定永久磁鐵排列角度為240°之扭矩測試結果 51
4.3.4固定永久磁鐵排列角度為180°之扭矩測試結果 53
4.3.5固定永久磁鐵排列角度為120°之扭矩測試結果 55
4.3.6固定永久磁鐵排列角度為60°之扭矩測試結果 57
4.4理論值與量測結果之比較 59
4.4.1固定永久磁鐵排列角度為360°之理論值與量測結果比較 61
4.4.2固定永久磁鐵排列角度為300°之理論值與量測結果比較 63
4.4.3固定永久磁鐵排列角度為240°之理論值與量測結果比較 66
4.4.4固定永久磁鐵排列角度為180°之理論值與量測結果比較 69
4.4.5固定永久磁鐵排列角度為120°之理論值與量測結果比較 72
4.4.6固定永久磁鐵排列角度為60°之理論值與量測結果比較 75
第五章 結論與未來展望 88
5.1結論 88
5.2本文貢獻 88
5.3未來展望 89
參考資料 91

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