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作者(外文):Chan, Chih Ju
論文名稱(外文):Current and Temperature Acceleration Factor on Accelerated Aging Test for Light Emitting Diodes
指導教授(外文):Chiang, Kuo-Ning
口試委員(外文):Zheng, Xian-Zhi
Lee, Chang-Chun
外文關鍵詞:Light emitting diode (LED)Accelerated aging testAcceleration factor (AF)
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近年全球暖化的問題日益嚴重,具有低汙染、省電與使用壽命長等優點的發光二極體,逐漸取代傳統照明設備。目前發光二極體產業界普遍使用IES LM80-08規範來量測產品的流明維持率,而此規範所需的測試時間過於冗長,嚴重影響產品上市時程,造成產業發展受到限制。
In recent years, Light emitting diodes (LEDs) has become more and more popular because of their low power consumption, low-pollution and long-life. Currently, the common lumen maintenance test of LED follows IES LM80-08 standard, which costs at least 6000 hours for measurement and prolongs the time-to-market schedule.
There are some stress will influence the lifetime of LEDs, such as temperature stress, current stress and humidity stress. In our previous researches, a modified accelerated aging test algorithm using different high temperature stress without input current was successfully proposed. In this research, we will process an accelerated aging test with current stress and temperature stress. The purpose of this research are (i) observing the lumen degradation in current and temperature loading aging test, (ii) investigating the current stress and temperature stress accelerated factor in the test, (iii) finding the appropriate life prediction model to predict the accurate lifetime and (iv) proposing an available method to shorten the reliability test standards, promoted the light-emitting diode industry.
First of all, we use a validated finite element thermal analysis model and thermal resistance of LED to predict the junction temperature and find out the ambient temperature of experimental conditions. Then use the forward voltage method to measure the junction temperature and validate the prediction result. Finally, we set up the accelerated aging test experimental conditions. In our experiment result, the same junction temperature with different current stress will cause the lumen maintenance decay similarly. So that in this experimental conditions that could use Arrhenius model which only consider high temperature stress without input current to prediction the lifetime of LED. Moreover, during the experiment we found out the heating type of oven will influence junction temperature of LED seriously. In the future, when we do the aging test of LED should consider about the oven to make sure whether the measurement result is correct.
摘要 I
Abstract IV
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 2
1.2 文獻回顧 4
1.3 研究目標 11
第二章 基礎理論 14
2.1 發光二極體發光原理 14
2.2 光學特性基礎理論 23
2.2.1 光通量 23
2.2.2 色溫 25
2.2.3 演色性 26
2.3 二極體電壓電流與溫度關係特性 26
2.4 發光二極體環境與接面間熱阻 29
2.5 熱傳遞分析 30
2.5.1 熱傳遞行為 30
2.5.2 發光二極體封裝結構之熱傳遞分析 33
2.5.3 有限單元法理論 34
2.5.4 穩態熱傳導有限單元法理論 35
2.6 加速老化試驗 38
2.6.1 阿瑞尼士模型 38
2.6.2 艾林模型 39
2.7 統計方法 40
2.7.1 韋伯分布 41
第三章 高功率發光二極體封裝結構之光學與熱分析 43
3.1 高功率發光二極體光電轉換效率量測試驗 44
3.2 高功率發光二極體晶片接面溫度量測試驗 46
3.2.1 順向偏壓量測方法 47
3.2.2 高功率發光二極體溫度敏感參數實驗結果 49
3.2.3 高功率發光二極體晶片接面溫度量測結果 52
3.3 高功率發光二極體之熱阻計算分析 53
3.4 高功率發光二極體之有限單元熱分析 54
3.4.1 高功率發光二極體封裝結構分析 55
3.4.2 有限單元熱分析模型建立 56
3.4.3 有限單元熱分析邊界條件與負載設定 58
3.4.4 有限單元熱分析模擬結果 60
3.5 熱阻值計算結果和熱分析模擬結果與實驗之驗證 64
3.6 加速老化實驗使用烤箱之考量 66
第四章 高功率發光二極體加速老化因子分析 68
4.1 流明維持率量測規範 68
4.2 溫度與電流應力之加速老化試驗設計 71
4.2.1 試驗條件之預估與驗證 73
4.3 溫度電流負載加速老化實驗結果與討論 75
4.3.1 高功率發光二極體加速老化試驗之光衰情形 75
4.3.2 高功率發光二極體之壽命預估與壽命模型 79
4.3.3 加速老化試驗之電流與溫度效應分析 86
第五章 結論與未來展望 88
參考文獻 91
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