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作者(外文):Yu, Nan Huei
論文名稱(外文):Manufacture of Three-dimensional Gradient Index Micro-lenses
指導教授(外文):Wang, Pei Jen
口試委員(外文):Chen, Cheng Huan
Lo, Cheng Yao
外文關鍵詞:Gradient Index LensStereolithographyComputer Aided Manufacture
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梯度折射率透鏡(Gradient Index Lens 簡稱GRIN Lens)以其材料折射率分層分佈達到改變光線行進路線之光學效果,可用來取代傳統透鏡以曲面來達成的光學特性,更可設計成平面板狀,減少因幾何曲面所導致的高階像差。折射率分層分布的特性,使梯度折射率透鏡的製造須跳脫傳統以幾何外型為主的製造方式,改以製造特性與其需求相符的疊層製造(Layered Manufacture)搭配,其中光固化成型技術(Stereolithography)具有材料易參雜產生折射率梯度,且成品具有透光性等性質,與梯度折射率透鏡需求相符,成為目前研究的主要重點。

Gradient Index Lens (GRIN Lens) can replace conventional spherical lenses made by curvature surfaces with the optical effects achieved via layers in variable index of refraction to effectively change light path in the lens. Moreover, GRIN lens can reduce spherical aberrations due to curvature surface if the optics design uses flat surface. Due to distribution in refraction index in various layers, the manufacture of GRIN lens must be different from conventional shape forming process so that layered manufacture process could fulfill the GRIN lens requirements. Stereolithography is the research target in this thesis due to the gradient index refraction being possible by doping impurities into base materials to exhibit transparent property.
In this thesis, we use layered manufacture method to make GRIN lens, hence, control of distribution in index of refraction cannot achieved with conventional Computer Aided Manufacturing Systems. Therefore, this research devises a method by Stereolithography to compose programs for the tool paths for the equipment constructed by a small two-axis platform and a large three-axis table with 1 m positioning accuracy. A green light laser photo-cures the lens array to fulfill the manufacture requirements.

Keywords: Gradient Index Lens, Stereolithography, Computer Aided Manufacture
中文摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
符號表 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 文獻回顧 3
1-3-1 GRIN透鏡製造方式 3
1-3-2 光固化成型技術 5
第二章 基礎製程理論 12
2-1 層狀梯度製程路徑規劃 12
2-1-1 STL格式原理 12
2-1-2 基本三角形差補 13
2-2 光感聚合物固化之特性 14
2-2-1 光感聚合材料化學性質 14
2-2-2 光感聚合之尺寸性質 14
2-3 液滴表面曲率性質 16
第三章 實驗設備架構 23
3-1 硬體架構設計 23
3-1-1 電力系統 23
3-1-2 數控器與動力驅動系統 25
3-1-3 系統平台硬體規格 27
3-2 軟體架構設計 28
3-2-1 控制軟體架構 28
3-2-2 機器原點歸零 29
3-3 NetPLC 30
第四章 模擬與實驗結果 37
4-1 加工路徑模擬 37
4-2 三角形切割補點 37
4-3 設備架設成果 39
4-4 控制器操作介面 40
4-5 平台移動量測 41
4-5-1 軸向最大加速度分析 41
4-5-2 大平台 43
4-5-3 小平台 49
4-6 加工路徑實驗 53
4-6-1 大小平台聯合加工 53
4-6-2 小平台加工路徑 53
第五章 結論與未來展望 86
5-1 結論 86
5-2 未來展望 87
參考文獻 88
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