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作者(外文):Lin, Guan Jhih
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Environment Monitoring System based on Android and wireless sensor networks
指導教授(外文):Chen, Rong-Shun
口試委員(外文):Yeh, Meng-Kao
Huang, Jung-Tang
外文關鍵詞:Wireless sensor networksWi-FiBluetooth 4.0ZigbeeFuzzy LogicIndoor Environment Safety Monitoring System
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近幾年來,在無線技術快速發展下,無線感測器網路(WSN)已經成為實現智慧家庭不可缺少的部分。本論文提出整合多感測器來完成無線感測網路系統建立,藉由2G、3G、Bluetooth 4.0、ZigBee、Wi-Fi和GSM/GPRS等無線感測網路來建構智慧室內安全監控和智慧自動化系統。本論文針對室內環境安全監控設計人機介面,將多種感測器所偵測的環境資訊儲存到資料庫中,採用的是感測器融合(Sensor fusion)概念,利用模糊邏輯(Fuzzy logic)和數據融合(Data fusion)分析多種環境感測器所得之數據,預測火災危害發生的可能性和人體安全危害的等級判斷,針對火災危害等級做警報視窗提醒,並利用常用的無線傳輸技術將感測資料回傳到手機端或PC端,讓使用者能夠及時監控當前環境危害資訊狀況。在藍芽技術之中,APP 功能包含溫溼度感測功能、人體紅外線感測功能、繼電器開關控制功能、三軸位移加速感測功能、LED燈開關控制以及電壓/電流PWM調控等五個功能。在ZigBee技術中,APP功能主要有煙霧感測、可燃氣體感測或一氧化碳感測等功能,目的為監控室內環境的安全。
In recent years, there has been a rapid development in the wireless technology, and then wireless sensor network (WSN) have become indispensable part of the smart home. This paper presents the wireless sensor network system is established by integrating temperature and humidity sensor, smoke sensor and wireless transmission modules ... etc sensors, and the goal of this study is to establish smart indoor security surveillance and intelligence automation systems by using wireless sensor networks, such as 2G, 3G, Bluetooth 4.0, ZigBee, Wi-Fi and GSM / GPRS ... etc wireless sensor networks. This paper is based on fuzzy logic of safety environment to design graphical user interface. Using the concept of sensor fusion, environmental sensors are used to detect environmental information that stored in the database for data processing with analysis of fuzzy logic. Predicted for fire hazards and made determination for the level of human safety hazards by analysis of sensor fusion. Warning window reminders for fire hazards allow users to timely monitor the current information of environment. In the Bluetooth technology, there are five functions for APP functional design, including temperature and humidity sensing function, human infrared sensing function, relay function, triaxial acceleration sensing function, LED light control, and voltage / current PWM control. In the ZigBee technology, the main functions for APP functional design contain Smoke, or Gas and CO…etc sensing function in order to monitor the safety of the indoor environment.
摘要 I
致謝 II
目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景與動機 2
1.3 文獻回顧 3
1.4 論文架構 11
第二章 無線感測網路技術背景簡介 12
2.1藍牙(Bluetooth) 13
2.2 Zigbee 17
2.3 Wi-Fi(Wireless-Fidelity) 20
2.4 其他常見的無線感測技術 21
第三章 室內環境安全監控系統設計 23
3.1 室內環境安全監控系統系統架構 23
3.2 開發平台與硬體介紹 25
3.2.1 藍芽BLE的平台 29
3.2.2 LinkIt ONE的平台介紹 37
3.3 軟體開發環境 40
3.4 感測網路之設計 44
3.5 環境安全之模糊邏輯判斷 49
第四章 實驗結果與討論 61
4.1 實驗架構 61
4.2 遠端網路監控功能建立 63
4.3 LinkIt ONE遠端監控之實驗與測試 69
4.4 藍芽 BLE 4.0遠端監控之實驗與測試 75
4.4.1 溫溼度感測功能 76
4.4.2 人體感測功能 77
4.4.3 繼電器開關功能 78
4.4.4 三軸位移加速感測功能 79
4.4.5 LED燈開關控制功能 80
4.4.6 電壓/電流PWM調控功能 81
4.5 ZigBee遠端監控之實驗與測試 83
第五章 結論與未來工作 88
5.1 結論 88
5.2 未來工作 89
參考文獻 90
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