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作者(外文):Lee, Tzu Jung
論文名稱(外文):Simulations of flow and structure interaction using Immersed Boundary Method
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chao An
口試委員(外文):Hwang, Feng Nan
Niu, Yang Yao
外文關鍵詞:immersed boundary method
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究中,使用沉浸邊界法做流固耦合的問題分析。在探討兩球的不同幾何擺放位置對兩球沉降的(牽引(drafting)、接觸(kissing)、翻滾(Tumbling))DKT 現象的影響中,擺放方式分為Setup-A:大球置於標準球上方;Setup-B:相等尺寸之兩標準球:Setup-C:大球置於標準球下方。在Setup-C 的兩球擺放位置為大球置於標準球下方時,隨初始間距上升,兩球的接觸時間延後,最後轉變為(牽引(drafting)到
分離(separate))DS 現象。本研究探討初始間距對DS 現象的影響,產生DS 現象之最小初始間距隨球徑上升而下降,牽引時間在此最小初始間距時亦隨球徑增加而減少。
在模擬複雜幾何結構之流固耦合問題上,本研究使用標準鑲嵌語言法(Standard Tessellation Language (STL))格式的三角形表面網格,呈現幾何物體之外形。不同幾何物體之STL 格式三角形表面網格檔案由CAD 建立,STL 檔案中的物體表面之法向量與三點位置向量被應用於結構網格上判斷固液交界面。研究中利用球面公式驗證STL 格式之三角形表面網格之固液交界判斷之結果。並且在以一旋轉橢圓體驗證下平行運算與流速之結果。網格測試,由雷諾數為100 時,不同網格
In the present study, the problems of solid-fluid interaction using the immersed boundary strategy are investigated. The DKT phenomenon of two sedimenting spheres is presented. The DS phenomenon is observed in the case that the larger sphere is at the bottom. The duration of drafting term in the smallest initial gap in DS phenomenon is investigated at different diameter ratio in the case. On the other hand, in order to simulate the complex-shape object, the method of finding the boundary with the triangular facet surface is added into the numerical
method. The triangular facet surface of the object is performed in Standard Tessellation Language (STL) format. In the STL format, the normal vector and three positions of points are recorded in x, y, z-directions. The STL files for the different objects are designed by using CAD. The characteristic of the STL format triangular facet surface is used in the identification of the points around and inside the solid object. The forcing points, decided by using the STL-format triangular facets, is tested in the sphere case and the location of the forcing points are matched with the location found by employing the equation of sphere surface. The parallel computing and altering position of shape are used and validated with the case of rotating ellipsoid. Then, the case of the viscous flow past a sphere is presented. Finally, the case of a rotating turbine with a static fluid domain is performed.
Abstract i
Contents ii
List of Figures iv
List of Tables vi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Literature Survey 2
1.3 Objectives and Motivations 6
2 Numerical Methods 8
2.1 Immersed-Boundary Method 8
2.1.1 Mathematical Formulation 9
2.1.2 Numerical Scheme 10
2.1.3 Forcing Strategies 11
2.2 Treatment of immersed boundary with triangular facet surface 13
2.2.1 Establishment of bounding boxes 14
2.2.2 Determinations of points around the interface boundary domain 15
2.2.3 Determinations of solid domain 16
2.2.4 Determinations of forcing points 16
2.2.5 Determinations of interpolation 17
2.3 Determinations of lift and drag forces 18
2.4 Complete solution procedure 19
3 Numerical Results 35
3.1 Sedimentation of spheres 35
3.1.1 Collision between particles 36
3.1.2 code validation 37
3.1.3 collision between two spheres 38
3.1.4 sedimentation of two spheres 38
3.1.5 Different initial positions of two sedimenting spheres 39
3.1.6 DKT and DS phenomenon of two sedimenting spheres 40
3.2 Complex structure with triangular facet surface 41
3.2.1 Comparison of rotating sphere 42
3.2.2 Test of rotating ellipsoid 42
3.3 Flows past a sphere 43
3.4 Rotating turbine in static fluid 44
4 Conclusion 70
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Report NREL/TP-500-38060 February 2009
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