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作者(外文):Yi-Fu Lu
論文名稱(外文):Surface Oxidation Reduction of Nanoparticles for the Catalysis in the Exothermic Oxidative Reaction
指導教授(外文):De-Hao Tsai
外文關鍵詞:nanocatalystcopper oxideactivity testTPR
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在研究第二階段中,我們針對甲烷的燃燒反應進行探討,我們利用氣霧化方式來製備不同氧化態的單成分CuxO-NP與複合式CuCeOx-NP之奈米觸媒,探討單成分氧化銅奈米粒子與氧化銅/氧化鈰複合式奈米粒子對甲烷燃燒反應的催化活性影響。材料分析方面我們使用SEM、XRD及DMA來分析奈米粒子的型態與晶格以及粒徑分佈,並利用甲烷活性測試、觸媒催化活性之穩定性測試、甲烷的程溫還原反應來進行奈米觸媒催化與還原能力的分析。實驗結果顯示氧化銅比氧化亞銅和銅具有更好的反應活性與還原能力。相較於單成分的氧化銅,添加氧化鈰後所合成之複合式奈米粒子能具有更低的起燃溫度(340 °C)以及高轉化率,可以得知添加鈰之後的CuCeOx-NP-0.83可以利用銅與鈰之間的界面金屬-擔體作用力效應來提升甲烷燃燒反應的催化活性。研究中我們設計富氧、足氧以及貧氧的條件下進行催化活性之穩定性測試,以進一步了解甲烷燃燒反應的活性與穩定性之機制。結果顯示在貧氧條件時,除了積碳所造成的影響之外,氧化銅在反應時會被還原成銅而導致觸媒的活性迅速下降。而CuCeOx-NP在穩定性測試時,其在富氧、足氧及貧氧的條件下皆能維持其轉化率,顯示添加二氧化鈰有助於催化碳的氧化反應發生,以大幅降低積碳所造成的影響。且在貧氧條件下,二氧化鈰能使氧化銅能維持氧化態以避免不可逆還原而影響催化活性。由此可以得知添加二氧化鈰的CuCeOx-NP不僅具有良好的催化活性,也能使觸媒催化的穩定性得到大幅提升,這將對天然氣作為替代能源的發展領域上有所助益,可以提升其燃燒效率,並降低對環境的汙染。
We established a continuous catalytic reaction activity test system for the metal/metal oxide nanocatalysts. Firstly, the CO oxidation catalyzed by the CuO nanoparticles is chosen as the model reaction. The gas chromatography was used as the downstream detector to analyze the compositions of gases before and after the reaction. In addition, we developed a customized hydrogen temperature-programmed reduction system (TPR) for evaluating the oxidation-reduction ability of the CuO nanocatalysts. Orthogonally, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed to provide the particle imagery and the particle size of the CuO nanoparticles. Experimental results showed that the initial reduction temperature of the gas-phase controlled synthesis of copper oxides-based was lower than the commercial CuO and the impregnation CuO. The decrease in the required initial reduction temperature of CuO resulted in the decrease in the required light-off temperature and also the increase in the catalytic ability to the CO oxidation. The results confirmed that the predicted performance by the TPR analysis was consistent with the measured catalytic activity. In comparison to the CuO-only single-component nanocatalysts, we also investigated the performance of hybrid nanocatalysts, using CeO2 as the support of CuO. Results showed that the additions of CeO2 effectively enhanced the oxidation-reduction ability and activity for the existing CuO-based nanocatalysts for CO oxidation.
In the second section, we reported a systematic study of gas-phase controlled synthesis of copper oxides-based hybrid nanoparticles for catalytic methane combustion. SEM, DMA, and XRD were employed to provide the particle imagery and the crystallinity of nanoparticles respectively. A CH4-based temperature-programmed reduction system was developed to correlate the reducibility of nanoparticle with the catalytic performance of CH4 oxidation over various oxidation state of copper-based nanoparticle. The results showed that the CuO-NP exhibit the highest activity and the reducibility among the three single component Cu-based nanoparticle (CuO, Cu2O, Cu). In comparison to the CuO single-component nanocatalysts, CuCeOx-NP-0.83 was found to have a much lower light-off temperature (340 °C) and a higher conversion ratio, indicating that the effect of Cu-Ce interfacial metal-support interaction enhanced the catalyst activity of methane combustion. In order to analyze the activity and stability mechanism of methane combustion, the catalyst stability test was performed under oxygen-rich and oxygen-lean conditions. Under the oxygen-lean condition, the decreasing catalytic activity of CuO-NP was affected by the coking and reduction of CuO. CuCeOx-NP remained its catalytic activity under both the oxygen-lean and oxygen-rich conditions. The results showed that adding CeO2 improved the carbon oxidative reaction which substantially avoided the poisoning by coking. Furthermore, CuCeOx-NP maintained its oxidation state to prevent the irreversible reduction under the oxygen-lean condition. Our results showed that CuCeOx-NP had not only a catalytic activity, but also a high stability, which can be used to enhance efficiency of methane combustion and reduce environmental pollution for alternative energy applications.
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 金屬/金屬氧化物的觸媒特性 1
1.2 金屬/金屬氧化物奈米粒子作為觸媒催化的應用 3
1.3 觸媒表面性質與還原態對一氧化碳氧化反應之活性影響 10
1.4 單成分/複合式奈米觸媒對甲烷燃燒反應機制之影響 15
1.5 實驗目的與方法 17
第二章 實驗方法 19
2.1 實驗藥品 19
2.2 氣霧化奈米粒子之合成 21
2.3 含浸法製程之奈米粒子合成 22
2.4 靜電收集器(Electrostatic Precipitator) 23
2.5 掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscopy) 24
2.6 X光繞射儀(XRD) 24
2.7 氣相奈米粒子流動分析儀(DMA) 25
2.8 觸媒活性測試 26
2.9 TPR程溫還原反應 28
第三章 結果與討論 30
3.1 CO氧化反應 30
3.1.1 材料基本性質分析 30
3.1.2 氫氣TPR的還原能力影響 34
3.1.3 觸媒活性測試之起燃點與轉化率分析 39
3.2 甲烷燃燒催化反應 43
3.2.1 不同氧化態之單成分銅粒子對催化活性之影響 43
3.2.2 CuCeOx-NP 對催化活性之影響 48
3.2.3 奈米粒子穩定性與催化機制之探討 53
第四章 結論 60
第五章 未來展望 62
參考文獻 64

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