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作者(外文):Hsu, Chin Wei
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Highly Adhesive Electroless Nickel Plating Film on Silicon Wafer
指導教授(外文):Wei, Tzu-Chien
外文關鍵詞:Electroless depositionNickel-phosphorus filmSilane-compoundAdhesion
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本研究為改善矽晶圓上無電鍍鎳磷層附著力的方法,首先以末端具有胺基官能團(NH2)的矽烷化合物對矽基板表面進行改質,藉由矽烷化合物的水解端與氫氧化的矽基板表面進行脫水反應,使矽烷化合物以共價鍵結構連結在矽基板上。經矽烷改質後的矽基板搭配自行開發的聚乙烯醇包覆奈米鈀粒子(Polyvinyl alcohol capped palladium, PVA-Pd)作為無電鍍鎳反應之觸媒,利用矽烷化合物中胺基官能團與PVA-Pd進行交互作用,增強觸媒對基板的吸附能力以利於後續無電鍍鎳磷層附著力之增強。
材料分析方面,以穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission electron microscope, TEM)鑑定PVA-Pd的粒徑大小及微結構分析; 利用X射線光電子能譜儀(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS),水滴接觸角量測儀(Water contact angle measurement)觀察矽烷化合物在矽基板表面改質的效果與變化; 接著以原子力顯微鏡(Atomic force microscope, AFM)觀察觸媒在基板上的分佈情形; 並以掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning electron microscopy, SEM)分析無電鍍鎳磷層之表面形貌及厚度變化; 最後利用附著力測試分析無電鍍鎳磷層與矽基板表面的垂直拉升附著力,藉由附著力測試的結果,發現以矽烷改質的矽基板表面搭配PVA-Pd的無電鍍鎳層相較於僅利用商業錫鈀膠體觸媒的無電鍍鎳磷層,其平均附著力可由原先的4.63MPa提升到10.83MPa; 並藉由XPS分析氮原子及鈀原子交互作用的機制,以了解附著力顯著提升的原因。
Electroless deposition of nickel-phosphorus (Ni-P) film is a promising skill for the preparation of diffusing barrier layer in silicon and circuit board industry. Typically, Sn/Pd colloid is the most common catalyst for electroless deposition. However, lacking of distinct adsorbing mechanism, the mechanical adhesion of Ni-P film catalyzed by Sn/Pd colloids on bare silicon surface is usually not satisfactory, particularly in the smooth surface such as silicon wafer and glass. Therefore, we devote to develop alternative to replace Sn/Pd colloids. In this study, the development of above-mentioned new catalyst is systematically discussed, including catalyst synthesis, interaction with silanized substrate and the improvement of mechanical adhesion of subsequent electroless Ni-P film.
Using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA, molecular weight 9000-10000) as the protective agent, palladium nitrate as the precursor and formaldehyde as the reductant, we successfully synthesized PVA-capped palladium colloids (PVA-Pd) aqueous dispersion. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis reveals the well-defined nano-particle of PVA-Pd is a face centered cubic nano-crystal with the size of 2-5 nm.
This novel PVA-Pd is then applied as the catalyst for electroless plating of nickel-phosphorous (Ni-P) layer on a 3- 2-(2-aminoethylamino) ethylamino propyl trimethoxysilane (ETAS)-modified silicon surface. The ETAS modification of substrate is evaluated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and water contact angle. In addition, evidenced by XPS, the binding energy of both Pd center of PVA-Pd and nitrogen of ETAS are both chemically shifted due to the interaction between Pd center and long pair electrons of the amino group on ETAS. Unlike commercial Sn/Pd colloids which are physically adsorbed on the substrate, our PVA-Pd is found to chemically adsorb on the substrate so that the adhesion of subsequent Ni-P film is enhanced.
A 200 nm-thick Ni-P layer is then electroless deposited on the PVA-Pd adsorbed silicon surface by using a commercial Ni-P bath at 80oC for 1 minute. Compared with the mechanical adhesion of Ni/P layer made by commercial Sn/Pd colloids on bare silicon surface, the mechanical adhesion of Ni/P layer made by our PVA-Pd and ETAS surface modification is significantly improved from 4.63MPa to 10.83MPa without the need of post annealing.
However, in our previous study or even in searching all relevant literatures, the control of ETAS modification and its relation to the adhesion of ELP film has never been explored. Most studies either directly utilize silane-compound to improve adhesion of deposited film or aim to control, explain or tune the morphology of ETAS modification but without conducting ELP. Very few reports went into details of how different levels of silane-compound modification influence the interfacial properties and most importantly, how these different interfacial properties connect to the adhesion of subsequent ELP layer. In this report, we aim to elaborate how microscopic ETAS modification affects macroscopic ELP film adhesion. In particular, several levels of ETAS modification on Si wafer were created by controlling the immersion time of ETAS stock solution; then these samples were carefully characterized by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM), water contact angle (WCA) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to verify the configurations of ETAS layer. Finally a scenario of ETAS modification on Si wafer versus immersion time is proposed accordingly and the relation between ELP Ni-P film adhesion and ETAS configuration with or without a post rapid thermal annealing (RTA) treatment is discussed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report trying to connect the effect of molecular silane-compound modification with macroscopic film adhesion in the field of surface modification.
誌謝辭 I
摘要 II
Abstract IV
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究目的與動機 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 鈀奈米粒子 4
2.1.1 分散機制 4
2.1.2 合成方法 5
2.2 無電鍍鎳沈積 8
2.2.1 無電鍍基本原理 8
2.2.2 無電鍍鎳的基本原理 9 Sn/Pd膠體觸媒 9 無電鍍鎳的反應機制 9
2.2.3 無電鍍鎳的應用 11
2.3 矽烷化合物之表面改質 12
2.3.1 矽烷化合物的結構及種類 12
2.3.2 矽烷化合物表面改質之機制 12
2.3.3 胺基矽烷化合物於無電鍍鎳沈積之應用 15
2.3.4 胺基矽烷化合物於銅擴散阻隔層之應用 18
第三章 實驗 22
3.1 藥品與材料 22
3.2 設備與儀器 23
3.3 量測原理 24
3.3.1 接觸角量測儀 (Contact angle measurement) 24
3.3.2 原子力顯微鏡 (Atomic force microscope, AFM) 25
3.3.3 穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission electron microscope) 26
3.3.4 掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning electron microscope, SEM) 27
3.3.5 X射線光電子能譜儀(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS) 28
3.3.6 附著力測試 29
第四章 高附著性無電鍍鎳磷層之研究 30
4.1 前言 30
4.2 實驗方法 31
4.2.1 PVA-Pd的合成 31
4.2.2矽晶片前處理 32
4.2.3無電鍍鎳磷沈積 32
4.3結果與討論 36
4.3.1 ETAS改質之結果 36
4.3.2 TEM及AFM之觸媒形貌分析 37
4.3.3 SEM之無電鍍鎳磷層表面形貌分析 39
4.3.4 SEM之無電鍍鎳層橫截面及鍍率分析 39
4.3.5 無電鍍鎳磷層之附著力分析結果 41
4.3.6 XPS分析 42
4.4結論 45
第五章 25-1部分因素實驗設計法探討無電鍍鎳磷層對矽基板附著力之分析 46
5.1 前言 46
5.2 實驗步驟 47
5.3 實驗設計法之參數設定 49
5.4 25-1部分因素實驗設計 51
5.5 變異數分析(Analysis of variance, ANOVA) 53
5.6 主因子與交互作用對附著力之分析 56
5.7 主要影響因子對附著力之分析 58
5.8 結果與討論 59
5.8.1 附著力測試結果 59
5.8.2浸泡時間對矽烷結構的影響 61
5.8.3無電鍍鎳磷層橫截面之分析 67
5.9 結論 72
參考文獻 73

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