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作者(外文):Huang, Shiuan Hua
論文名稱(外文):Carbon reduction potential of methanol synthesis by dry and bi-reforming
指導教授(外文):Wong, Shan Hill
外文關鍵詞:Methanol systhesisCarbon reductionReformingGreen hydrogen
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長久以來不論全球或臺灣,二氧化碳捕獲和儲存(CCS)一直被視為減緩全球暖化的重要因素。雖然在捕獲方面一直有很大的進展,但是儲存技術方面卻停滯不前。因此,二氧化碳的利用反而逐漸受到重視,在化學工業中,甲醇被視為是主要的化工原料且可以製造出許多高附加價值的化學品,所以本文希望藉由將二氧化碳轉換成甲醇來增加二氧化碳的使用,但此製程減少二氧化碳的能力和二氧化碳轉換成甲醇的經濟可行性受到很大的質疑。在本研究中,探討了一般傳統甲醇製程以及二氧化碳製造甲醇的兩種製程: (1) 乾式重組反應 + 綠色氫能,(2) 雙重組反應(水蒸氣+乾式),其氫氣是由水蒸氣重組反應產生。本研究利用GH-Space分析及Aspen Plus V8.4模擬三種製程程序。三種製程中,原物料成本和二氧化碳排放量為評估的重點。分析及模擬結果顯示,乾式重組製程雖然具有減少二氧化碳排放的效果,但是因為使用綠色氫氣反而需要較高的原物料成本。雙重組製程本身沒有減少二氧化碳的效果,但是比起一般傳統的甲醇製程,二氧化碳的排放量較少,而在原物料成本方面,相較於一般傳統的甲醇製程能以較低的成本製造甲醇。因此,雙重組製程可以視為有利可圖的減少碳排放的新途徑並取代現有的甲醇製程。
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has long been regarded as an integral element of slowing global warming; both globally and locally in Taiwan. Although there have been much progress in capture, demonstration of successful storage is only found where there is opportunity in enhanced oil recovery. Therefore utilization has gradually received attention as an alternative to sequestration. Methanol has been demonstrated as a feasible primary feedstock to the chemical industry and offer enough scale as an option of utilization. However, the carbon reduction potential and the economic feasibility of CO2 to methanol transformation has been questioned. In this study, three options of producing methanol with CO2 were studied: (1) conventional methanol plants (2) dry reforming of liquid natural gas (LNG) + green hydrogen, (3) Bi-reforming which uses steam reforming of LNG for hydrogen generation. The three processes were analyzed by GH-Space and simulated by Aspen Plus software V8.4. The material cost and carbon emission were evaluated. The results show that while dry reforming offers a net carbon reduction, it has a high material cost due to the use of green hydrogen. Bi-reforming process offers no net carbon reduction by itself. However, it offers a cheaper alternative to produce methanol than the traditional steam reforming process, and produces much less carbon. Hence the bi-reforming process can considered as a profitable carbon reduction pathway by replacing existing methanol plants. Furthermore, critical elements of the process that can be modified to increase carbon reduction are identified.
致謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第一章、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 2
第二章、文獻回顧 3
2.1甲醇介紹 3
2.2水蒸氣重組反應 4
2.3乾式重組反應 5
2.4雙重組介紹 7
2.5水蒸氣重組產生合成氣製程 9
第三章:研究方法 13
3.1熱力學模型 13
3.2動力學模型 13
3.3反應器設計 22
3.4製程流程圖模型 23
3.4.1水蒸氣重組製程 23
3.4.2乾式重組製程 24
3.4.3雙重組製程 24
3.5熱整合 25
3.6經濟分析 25
3.7二氧化碳排放 26
第四章:模擬結果 30
4.1水蒸氣重組製程模擬 30
4.2乾式重組製程模擬 33
4.3 雙重組製程模擬 36
4.4原物料成本 39
4.5能耗成本 42
4.6操作成本 43
4.7二氧化碳消耗 46
4.8 二氧化碳直接排放 46
4.9 非直接二氧化碳排放 47
4.10 整體二氧化碳排放 48
第五章:GH-SPACE 50
8.1 GH-space 50
8.2 理想自動熱重組製程 51
8.3 理想乾式重組製程 57
8.4 理想雙重組製程 62
第六章:結論與未來工作 67
參考文獻 68
附錄A 74
附錄B 89
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