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作者(外文):Lai, Chien Ming
論文名稱(中文):以預鋰化鍺銅和矽銅雙層奈米線織布 作為陽極材料的鋰離子電容器
論文名稱(外文):Bilayer Prelithiated Ge/Cu and Si/Cu Nanowire Fabric as an Anode for Lithium Ion Capacitors
指導教授(外文):Tuan, Hsing Yu
外文關鍵詞:Lithium ion capacitorshybrid supercapacitorsnanowire fabricGe/CuSi/Cupre-lithiated
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在行動裝置及各種電動裝置發展快速的年代,高能量密度的儲電裝置已經不僅僅是唯一的需求,高效率密度也將視需要考慮的重點,因此,開發一個同時擁有高能量密度極高效率密度的儲電裝置將會是未來發展的趨勢。藉此我們使用預鋰化的鍺銅奈米織布以及矽銅奈米織布作為陽極陽極搭配活性碳作為陰極材料,組成鋰離子電容器。不僅可以提升高能量密度,同時擁有不輸電雙層電容器的效率密度。而鍺銅為陽極的電容器的表現如下:可以在0.1 A g-1 的電流密度下,擁有將近200 F g-1 的電容,而在高達100 A g-1 的高電流密度也仍保持有50 F g-1 的電容大小,同時此電容器在180 W h kg-1 的較高能量密度下,仍有108 W kg-1 的功率密度;而在較低的能量密度時,擁有約110 kW kg-1 的高效率密度,有著比現今許多文獻還高的效率密度值,而以矽銅為陽極的電容器在0.1 A g-1 的低電流密度下,擁有約170 F g-1 的電容值,並且在50 A g-1 的高電流密度下,也能保有50 F g-1 的電容值,並且擁有208 Wh kg-1 的高能量密度以及75 kW kg-1 的高功率密度,相信這個裝置將可以使用在許多的電動裝置上。
At present, due to the development of portable device and electric vehicles, high energy density isn’t the only purpose required. Possessing high power density is another issue which needs to be considered. An electrical device containing both high energy density and high power density will be the most wanted result. As a result, a lithium ion capacitor has been designed by using pre-lithiated germanium/copper and silicon/copper nanowire fabric for negative electrodes with activated carbon for positive electrodes. For germanium, the performance is 200 F g-1 at 0.1 A g-1. And at high current density of 100 A g-1, the capacitance can still hold about 50 F g-1. The LIC have 108 W kg-1, when the energy density is 180 W h kg-1. While low energy density, the LIC would have ultrahigh power density of 110kW kg-1. For silicon, the performance of this LIC at 0.1 g-1 is 220 F g-1, which is approximated twice of capacitance of AC in EDLCs. Even at high current density of 50 A g-1, the capacitance can still hold about 80 F g-1. At a low power density of 170 W kg-1, the energy density is as high as 208 W h kg-1. The power density increases to 75 kW kg-1, which is much higher than most results in lithium ion capacitors, while the energy density still remains at 43 W h kg-1. As a result, we believe that this device can be used in numerous applications such as electrical vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electrical vehicles (HEVs).
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
Table of Contents III
List of Figures V
List of Tables VIII
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Supercapacitors 2
1.2 Electric Double Layer Capacitors 2
1.3 Lithium Ion Capacitors 5
Chapter 2. Experimental Details 9
2.1Materials. 9
2.2 Au Nanoparticles Synthesis 9
2.3 Ge Nanowires Synthesis 10
2.4 Ge Nanowires Surface Passivation 11
2.5 Si Nanowires Synthesis 11
2.6 Si Nanowires Surface Passivation 12
2.7 Cu Nanowires Synthesis 12
2.8 Preparation of Ge/Cu and Si/Cu Nanowire Fabric Electrode 13
2.9 Preparation of Activated Carbon Electrode 13
2.10 Lithium Ion Battery Assembly and Electrochemical Characterization 14
2.11 Lithium Ion Capacitors Assembly and Electrochemical Characterization 14
2.12 Experimental Analysis 14
Chapter 3. Result and Discussion 15
3.1 Ge/Cu Nanowire Fabric// AC Lithium Ion Capacitors 15
3.1.1 Ge Nanowires Characteristic 15
3.1.2 Cu Nanowires Characteristic 17
3.1.3 Ge/Cu Nanowire Fabric Characteristic 17
3.1.4 Ge/Cu Nanowire Fabric Electrochemical Performance 19
3.1.5 Activated Carbon Electrode Electrochemical Performance 19
3.1.6 Asymmetric Lithium ion Capacitors Electrochemical Performance 22
3.2 Si/Cu Nanowire Fabric// AC Lithium Ion Capacitors 26
3.2.1 Si Nanowires Characteristic 26
3.2.2 Si/Cu Nanowire Fabric Electrochemical Performance 29
3.2.3 Pre-lithiation of Si/Cu Nanowire Fabric 29
3.2.4 Si/Cu Nanowire Fabric Electrochemical Performance 32
Chapter 4. Conclusion 37
Chapter 5. Reference 38
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