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作者(外文):Wu, Chun Hua
論文名稱(外文):The characteristics of candlelight and its effects on health
指導教授(外文):Jou, Jwo Huei
口試委員(外文):Shyue, Jing Jong
Chen, Sun Zen
外文關鍵詞:CandlelightCandleColor temperatureHealth
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蠟燭是人類使用最久的照明光源之一。及至今日,溫暖、浪漫的燭光,在許多場合中,仍佔有不可或缺的地位。然而,如此常見的燭光,卻少有人對它的性質有完整或明確的了解,像是色溫、亮度、發光效率,以及它對人體健康的影響。因此,我們研究了十種不同燭芯的石蠟蠟燭;結果顯示,燭光的色溫約為1,835 K;蠟燭的亮度,則與燭芯的編織方式及棉線數有關,編織較密、棉線數為24的蠟燭,其亮度為1燭光;編織較鬆、棉線數34的蠟燭,則有2.2燭光;整體而言,成份為96%石蠟、2%微晶蠟、2%硬脂蠟的蠟燭,其發光效率約為0.27流明/瓦。從眼睛保護的角度來看,視網膜對蠟燭光的最大可容忍曝照極限為2,751秒,是白熾燈及暖白螢光燈(2,595 K)的2倍長、暖白LED燈(2,857 K)的3倍長;從褪黑激素分泌抑制程度的角度,相對於480nm的藍光,蠟燭光的抑制敏感度是4.4 %,比起白熾燈及暖白螢光燈,是兩倍地有益於褪黑激素的分泌,與暖白LED燈相比,則是三倍的有益。與燭光相比,類燭光OLED則比蠟燭更健康:最大曝照極限是蠟燭的三倍長,褪黑激素分泌抑制敏感度則只有一半。
Candles are one of the oldest lighting sources used by men, and they are still widely adopted in numberless occasions due to their warm and romantic giving emission. Nevertheless, few has full understanding about the characteristics of these widespread candles. Some myths remain unsolved regarding their color temperature, brightness, luminous efficiency, and their effects on human health. Hence, we have investigated these based on a series of paraffin wax candles with different wick. As learned experimentally, the candlelight shows in average a color temperature of 1,835 K. The brightness of candlelight is related to the braiding method and thread number of wick. A brightness of 1 cd is obtained from a tightly braided wick with thread number of 24; as for a loosely braided counterpart with thread number of 34, it is 2.2 cd. Overall speaking, the luminous efficacy is 0.27 lm/W for a candle with 96% paraffin wax, 2% microcrystalline wax, 2% stearin wax. From retina protection perspective, the candlelight has a maximum permissible exposure limit of 2,751 seconds, which is 2 times longer than the typical incandescent bulbs and warm-white compact fluorescent lamps (CFL; 2,595 K), and 3 times longer than warm-white light-emitting diodes (LED; 2,857 K). If used at night, the melatonin secretion suppression sensitivity of candlelight is 4.4%, which is 2 times better for melatonin secretion than that of the incandescent bulbs or warm-white LED, and 3 times better than that of the warm-white CFL. However, surprisingly, if compared with the candlelight style organic light-emitting diode (OLED), OLED is healthier than real candlelight: form retina protection and melatonin secretion perspective, the candlelight style OLED is 2 times safer and 3 times better than candlelight, respectively.
摘要 II
英文摘要 III
致謝 V
圖目錄 XIV
表目錄 XVII
壹、序論 1
貳、文獻回顧 4
2-1、蠟燭的發展與相關的研究 4
2-2、光強度標準的演變 13
2-3、光對健康的傷害 20
參、實驗方法 27
3-1、組成成分 27
3-2、製備方法 32
3-3、特性量測 35
3-3-1、光譜、光色及色溫 35
3-3-1-1、不同量測位置 35
3-3-1-2、不同量測方式 38
3-3-1-2-1、直接量測 38
3-3-1-2-2、透過霧玻璃 39
3-3-1-2-3、透過描圖紙 41
3-3-1-2-4、物件反射 43
3-3-2、發光強度 45
3-3-2-1、光通量的量測 45
3-3-2-2、立體角度的計算 45
3-3-3、質量消耗速率的量測 47
3-3-4、發光效率的計算 47
3-3-4-1、總發光通量的計算 48
3-3-4-2、能量消耗速率的計算 50
3-4、理論計算 52
3-4-1、視網膜最大可容忍之曝照極限 52
3-4-2、退黑激素抑制敏感度 54
肆、結果與討論 57
4-1、光譜與光色 57
4-1-1、不同的量測位置 57
4-1-2、不同的量測方式 60
4-1-2-1、直接量測 60
4-1-2-2、透過霧玻璃 62
4-1-2-3、透過描圖紙 64
4-1-2-4、物件反射 66
4-2、色溫 68
4-2-1、不同的量測位置 68
4-2-2、不同的量測方式 70
4-2-2-1、直接量測 70
4-2-2-2、透過霧玻璃 72
4-2-2-3、透過描圖紙 74
4-2-2-4、物件反射 76
4-3、發光強度 78
4-4、質量消耗速率 80
4-5、發光效率 82
4-6、光源對健康的影響 85
4-6-1、最大曝照極限 86
4-6-2、褪黑激素抑制敏感度 88
伍、結論 89
陸、參考資料 91
柒、個人著作目錄 103
(A) 期刊論文 104
(B) 研討會論文 104
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