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作者(外文):Yu, Li Yuang
論文名稱(外文):The Realization of highly efficient, all-dielectric-based thermal emitter at the mid-infrared regime
指導教授(外文):Yen, Ta Jen
外文關鍵詞:thermal emitterall-dielectricemissivityKirchhoff's law of thermal radiationspatial coherencetemporal coherence
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在本文中,我們提出具有高放射率特性的中紅外頻段熱輻射體,而這透過低本質損耗的介電質所構成的全介電質結構中達成。因此我們便藉由本身帶有低本質損耗的介電質圖陣來達成不同以往方法的高效率熱輻射體。藉由有限微分時域法的模擬來描述及分析全介電質熱輻射體。根據克希何夫定律描述,在熱平衡之下,對於能輻射和吸收熱輻射的任何物體而言,吸收無論在頻率、方向及極化方向下皆與輻射相同; 這定律只在熱平衡狀態下才能成立在一開始設計階段,輻射視為吸收,且吸收能在模擬軟體計算與分析設計。在模擬中,我們計算出在波長9微米電磁波中有97.56%的吸收於全介電質熱輻射體;因此可以預期全介電質熱輻射體有相當高程度的高放射率。在進一步模擬分析中,能量吸收分布圖顯示電磁能量主要被吸收於週期排列的介電質中。而為了製作中紅外頻段熱輻射體,利用黃光微影製程來定義圖案,再用電子束蒸鍍機來鍍介電質,最後使用掀離製程來完成圖案。在量測階段中,全介電質熱輻射體輻射出的能量由傅里葉轉換紅外光譜儀量測;在輻射圖譜中,我們計算分析放射率有90%與品質因數有2.5。最後,空間同調性將由模擬方式被衡量,也就是不同的入射角度對熱輻射場的影響。
A mid-infrared thermal emitter with high emissivity property is proposed and fabri-cated. The thermal emitter is based on all-dielectric architecture where the intrinsic losses of dielectric materials are low. Therefore, we achieve a highly efficient thermal emitter relative to common thermal emitter through a novel approach- the array of low loss die-lectric particles. We characterize the thermal emitter based on all-dielectric architecture via the finite difference time domain method (lumerical). Kirchhoff's law states: For an arbitrary body emitting and absorbing thermal radiation in thermodynamic equilibrium, the emissivity is equal to the absorptivity for the same frequency, same direction, and same polarization. The law holds only when the condition of thermodynamic equilibrium is satisfied. In general, a good absorber is a good emitter. In the design stage, emissivity is regarded as absorptivity, which could be calculated and analyzed in simulation software. In lumerical simulation, absorptance of 97.6% is calculated at the wavelength of 9μm in all-dielectric-based thermal emitter. It is expected that all-dielectric-based thermal emitter possesses some high extent of emissivity. Besides, in numerical simulation result, power absorbed spatial distribution indicates that electromagnetic energy is dissipated within the array of all-dielectric cavities. In the fabrication stage, UV lithography is used to define the pattern of mid-infrared thermal emitter device. It is followed by the deposition of die-lectrics via E-gun evaporation technique. The pattern is formed after the lift-off process. In the measurement setup, the amount of radiant power of all-dielectric-based thermal emitter is measured by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Then, around 90% emissivity and quality factor of 2.5 are evaluated and calculated in the emission spectrum. Spatial coherence of thermal radiation field is also estimated through the response of emission field over a wide range of incident angles in the simulation.
Table of content·······································iv
List of Figures········································vi
Chapter 1 Introduction··································1
1-1 Introduction to Metamaterials·······················1
1-2 Research Motivation·································3
1-3 Thesis organization·································4
Chapter 2 Literature review·····························6
2-1 Introduction to approaches to thermal emitters······6
2-1-1 Thermal emission by three-dimensional photonic crystal·················································6
2-1-2 Thermal emission by a one-dimensional metallic grating················································12
2-1-3 Thermal emission by plasmonic nanoantenna arrays·················································17
2-2 Introduction to all-dielectric metamaterals········21
Chapter 3 Design and simulation························24
3-1 Achieving absorption through spectral manipulation·24
3-2 Achieving high absorption through Fabry-Pérot cavity·················································29
3-3 Power absorbed spatial distribution················31
Chapter 4 Methods and Experimental setup···············32
4-1 Experimental flow··································32
4-2 UV photolithography································33
4-3 E-gun evaporation··································34
4-4 Lift-off process···································36
4-5 Fourier transform infrared spectrometer············36
4-5-1 Measurement setup································36
Chapter 5 Results and discussion·······················39
5-1 Experimental and measurement results···············39
5-1-1 Measured absorption spectrum·····················39
5-1-2 Measured emission spectrum·······················42
5-2 The realization of all-dielectric-based thermal emitter················································50
5-3 Wien's displacement law and Stefan–Boltzmann law···53
5-4 Microscopic measurement····························58
5-5 Spatial coherence of emission spectrum·············60
Chapter 6 Conclusion···································63
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