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作者(外文):Tai, Tzu Chieh
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Based Pseudo-Sunlights
指導教授(外文):Jou, Jwo Huei
口試委員(外文):Wang, Ching Wu
Shyue, Jing Jong
Chen, Sun Zen
外文關鍵詞:OLEDcolor temperature mixingpseudo-sunlights
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太陽光從日出時分漸漸亮起,直到日落,再漸漸暗去,其色溫也跟著一起變化,影響萬物的作息;但是,現有的人造光源,其光色或色溫,卻一成不變;可能適合白天工作使用的照明,不一定同樣適合用於夜晚居家或休息時分,因此,一個同時擁有獨立調控色溫及照度能力的擬自然光源,是非常迫切需要的;為此,我們使用不同色溫的擬自然光有機發光二極體(organic light-emitting diode, OLED),藉由混光,製作出一色溫及照度皆可調之類太陽光光源,其色溫可橫跨至少2,000到4,100 K;照度亦可調控至3倍的變化範圍以上;在同樣2,600 K下,此類太陽光OLED,對褪黑激素抑制的敏感度,相對於480 nm的藍光,為6%,而暖白發光二極體(light emitting diode, LED)則為8%,前者較後者安全25%;從眼睛保護的角度來看,此類太陽光OLED的最大可忍受曝照極限為1,390秒,也比暖白LED的990秒,安全40%。值得注意的是,藉由此法混合所得的光,其光源品質較其原有組成光源高,為一製造高品質照明光源的好方法。
Sunlight dyes the night sky upon dawn and fades away when dusk is arriving. Diurnally varying color and illuminance of the sunlight on earth play an important role on the circadian rhythm of living organisms. However, the chromaticity and color temperature of contemporary artificial lighting source is barely changeable. For example, diurnal lighting for works is not compatible with nocturnal usage such as living or resting. It is highly desirable if pseudo-natural lights with independent tunable color and illuminance capabilities are obtainable. We hence propose here an original approach of using natural light-style organic light-emitting diode (OLED) panels with different color temperatures to generate artificial sunlights. The resultant OLED shows a color temperature tunability at least from 2,000 to 4,100 K and also enable the illuminance to be independently tunable at least from 15 to 45 lx. At 2,600 K, for example, the MLT suppression sensitivity is 6% for the pseudo-sunlight OLED, while 8% for the warm-white LED. The pseudo-sunlight OLED is 33% safer than the warm-white LED counterpart. The exposure limit is 1,390 seconds for the pseudo-sunlight OLED, but only 990 seconds for the warm-white LED. The pseudo-sunlight OLED is 40% safer than the warm-white LED counterpart. Notably, the light quality of the mixed light is higher than that of individual components by the aforementioned method. It could be a simple and effective approach to generate a high quality lighting measure.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
圖目錄 XI
表目錄 XIII
壹、緒論 1
貳、文獻回顧 3
2-1、OLED的發展 3
2-2、OLED的發光原理 22
2-3、OLED的基本結構 31
2-4、OLED的能量傳遞機制 32
2-5、OLED的元件效率 35
2-6、光色可調變OLED之發展 37
2-7、光色定義 40
2-8、色溫與黑體輻射 42
2-9、光源品質的評定 44
2-9-1、自然光譜相似性指數(SRI) 44
2-9-2、顯色指數(CRI) 45
參、理論計算 46
3-1 光色混合的計算 46
3-2 視網膜最大可忍受之曝光極限 (MPL) 的計算 46
3-3 褪黑激素抑制程度(MSS)的計算 48
3-4 自然光譜相似性指數(SRI)的計算 52
3-5 演色性指數(CRI)的計算 53
肆、實驗方法 55
4-1、元件介紹 55
4-2、積分球介紹及操作方式 57
4-3、元件光電特性量測 59
伍、結果與討論 60
5-1 以低、中色溫擬自然光OLED混製類夕陽光 60
5-2 以中、高色溫擬自然光OLED混製類晨曦 62
5-3 以低、高色溫擬自然光OLED混製類晝光 64
5-4 以低、中、高色溫擬自然光OLED混製類晝光 66
陸、結論 77
柒、參考文獻 79
附錄、個人著作目錄 92

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