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作者(外文):Tan, Hui Gee
論文名稱(中文):利用快速熱處理晶圓廢料回收之微米矽 並應用於鋰離子電池負極材料
論文名稱(外文):Processing Silicon Microparticles Recycled from Wafer Waste via Rapid Thermal Process for Lithium-ion Battery Anode Materials
指導教授(外文):Duh, Jenq Gong
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在半導體和太陽電池產業裡,矽晶圓切割加工過程造成大量含微米矽之廢棄物的浪費。矽可視為高電容潛力的鋰離子電池負極材料,利用讓廢料中的微米矽可製備鋰離子電池負極的材料來源。將製程的副產品回收再利用,使廢料中的矽微米顆粒轉換成高價值產品,同時具備環境保護和成本效益。在此研究中,快速熱處理(RTP)被引入作為矽晶切割廢料回收再利用的製程,藉由水系粘著劑羧甲基纖維素(CMC)在極片矽粉體之間碳化及矽表面氧化現象,建立出矽/碳複合多孔結構於極片上,使廢料轉變為高價值產品。此製備方式可以建立碳多孔導電網路作為矽體積膨脹之應力釋放緩衝空間。此外,非晶氧化矽和非晶碳披覆於矽表面,以作為保護層阻擋矽與電解液直接接觸,生成穩定的固態電解質相介面(SEI)生成。電化學測試結果顯示此多孔狀結構的負極在電流密度為0.5Ag-1的條件下,第一圈可逆效率可達80%,且在100圈充放電下仍然保有800mAhg-1 的電容量。通過此環境友善及簡單的製備過程,矽晶切割廢料可回收再利用,並具製備高電容量密度的矽/碳複合鋰離子電池負極材料的潛力。
A vast quantity waste sludge is produced from the Silicon (Si) wafers slicing process in semiconductor and photovoltaic industries. Si has been regarded as one of the most potential anodic materials due to its superior theoretical capacity, thus the recycled Si microparticles can be employed as the raw material for lithium-ion battery anode. Turning the waste powder into high-value products is of strategic importance for industrial processes. In this study, Rapid Thermal Process (RTP) is introduced to recycle the waste powder. A prominent anodic material of Si-MP/C porous continuous structure composite is obtained via in-spaced carbonization of water-soluble CMC binder and surface oxidation of Si particles during the direct heat treatment on the electrode. This strategy provides buffer space, which is constructed by carbon porous continuous conductive framework throughout the entire electrode, to resist local stress and intense volume variation. In addition, a sufficiently electrochemically stable SEI layer is accomplished with the coating of SiOx film and amorphous carbon on the surface of Si-MP. Under these circumstances, the enhanced electrodes achieve a first cycle efficiency of approximately 80% and a reversible charge capacity of 800mAhg-1 over 100 cycles at 0.5Ag-1 with good retention. Through a green and simple procedure, a remarkable Si-MP embedded C-matrix porous continuous conductive framework is established to achieve commercially potential high-capacitive Si-MP/C composite anodes and also to resolve the issues of waste disposal.
Abstract 1
Chapter 1 Introduction 2
1.1. Background 2
1.2. Motivations and Objectives in This Study 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 6
2.1. Introduction of Lithium-ion Battery 6
2.1.1. Evolution of Lithium-ion Battery 6
2.1.2. The Reaction Mechanism of Lithium-ion Battery 11
2.1.3. Evolution of Anode Materials 16
2.2. Si-based Anode Materials 21
2.2.1. Basic Concept of Si-based Anode 21
2.2.2. Particle Size Effects in Si-based Lithium-ion Battery 27
2.2.3. Surface Modification and Architectural Design for Si-based Anode Materials 32
2.3. Silicon Wafer Slicing Waste 39
2.4. Rapid Thermal Process (RTP) 42
Chapter 3 Experimental Details 45
3.1. Material Preparation 45
3.1.1. Source of Active Materials 45
3.1.2. Modification Procedure – Rapid Thermal Process (RTP) 45
3.2. Characterization and Analysis 46
3.2.1. Phase Identification 46
3.2.2. Compositional Evaluation 46
3.2.3. Morphological Observation 46
3.3. Electrochemical Analysis 47
3.3.1. Electrode Fabrication and Battery Assembly 47
3.3.2. Cyclability and Rate Capability Measurement 48
3.3.3. Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) 48
3.3.4. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) 48
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions 50
4.1. Structural Characterization 50
4.2. Investigation of Intrinsic Properties 58
4.3. Evaluation of Electrochemical Properties 64
4.4. Speculated Mechanisms of Unique Porous Structure 73
Conclusion 87
References 88

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