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作者(外文):Lai, Yu Tsung
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis of Multivalent Galactoside Derivatives toward Biomedical Application for Lectins
指導教授(外文):Wang, Sheng Kai
口試委員(外文):Horng, Jia Cherng
Cheng, Wei Chieh
外文關鍵詞:biofilmdrug deliverylectinsPseudomonas aeruginosaAsialoglycoprotein receptor
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Carbohydrate-lectin interaction involved in many biological process and mechanism. However, the weak binding affinity of monovalent carbohydrate ligand and lectin is the difficulty to exploit carbohydrate for lectin research. In addition to exploiting multivalent interaction, developing high affinity monovalent carbohydrate derivatives is also a solution to overcome the difficulty.
In past decades, antibiotics were commonly used and cause P. aeruginosa rapidly develop resistance during the course of treating an infection. In addition to the resistance of P. aeruginosa, biofilm formation is a more severe issue for human health. The ability of infection and biofilm formation of P. aeruginosa were mainly caused by LecA lectin to specifically bind to galactose residue of cell surface. Recent years, it was reported that the aromatic galactoside have higher affinity to LecA than galactose. In this part of thesis, we synthesized kinds of aromatic galactoside as ligand to understand the relationship between the aromatic structure and the affinity. Apart from this, we also develop multivalent scaffold by using polyproline for its PPII structure to maintain the effective distance. We designed and synthesized aromatic galactoside conjugated polyproline material as multivalent ligand binding to neighboring binding site of LecA. After microarray scanning, we found that the multivalent materials were effective for LecA binding test.
Furthermore, asiaglycoprotein receptor (ASGPR) is an endocytotic cell surface lectin expressed by hepatocyte, which recognized galactoside residue of asiaglycoprotein. So we tried to use the aromatic galctoside as ligand and modified on nanoparticle carrier to test the uptake ability. After modification of the surface of nanoparticle carrier, the fluorescent siRNA were used as cargo to test the uptake ability of the human hepatoma Hep3B cell line. In Hep3B cell uptake assay, we found that modified nanoparticle was elevated the ability of uptaken by Hep3B about 10 times higher than unmodified under confocal microscopy. These result may be helpful for designing more valid ligand structure to modified drug carrier.

中文摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
式目錄 IX
流程目錄 X
縮寫表 XI
第一章、緒論 1
1.1.前言 1
1.2.醣類與凝集素之交互作用 2
1.3.多價性效應 3
1.3.1.多價性效應原理 3
1.3.2.多價性效應對於凝集素的研究 7
1.4.脯胺酸多肽的特性及應用 8
1.4.1.脯胺酸多肽結構與特性 8
1.4.2.脯胺酸多肽在生物研究上的應用 9
1.5.綠膿桿菌凝集素抑制劑 10
1.5.1.綠膿桿菌對於人類健康的危害 10
1.5.2.綠膿桿菌生物膜的形成及抗藥性機制 11
1.5.3.綠膿桿菌可溶性凝集素I(PA-IL)的結構與特性 12
1.5.4.綠膿桿菌凝集素LecA抑制劑作為抗綠膿桿菌材料之研究 14
1.5.5. 多價性綠膿桿菌生物膜抑制劑 16
1.6.醣脂質對藥物載體奈米粒子的選擇性控制研究 20
1.6.1. RNAi藥物以及肝相關疾病研究 20
1.6.2. RNAi藥物輸送奈米粒子載體種類與性質 21
1.6.3.藥物輸送奈米粒子材料對於肝病的研究 24
1.6.4. ASGPR結構以及胞吞機制 26
1.6.5.醣分子配體對於ASGPR親和力研究 28
1.7. 研究動機 29
第二章、結果與討論 32
2.1.單價LecA抑制劑合成 32
2.1.1. β-芳基半乳醣苷之合成 32
2.1.2. Gb3醣體之合成 41
2.1.3. 以微陣列(Microarray)篩檢LecA與抑制劑之結合能力 46
2.1.4.微陣列試驗結果與討論 48
2.2.特定間距之二價醣肽LecA抑制劑合成 50
2.2.1.醣肽材料合成之策略 50
2.2.2.多肽固相合成脯胺酸多肽骨架 51
2.2.3.具疊氮基之芳香性半乳醣苷合成 54
2.2.4.疊氮-炔類的[3+2]環化加成 56
2.2.5.圓二色光譜結構分析 58
2.2.6. 微陣列試驗之結果與討論 61
2.3.半乳糖衍生物修飾奈米藥物載體表面對於肝細胞之研究 65
2.3.1.醣修飾脂質材料合成之策略 65
2.3.2.具丙炔基之半乳糖衍生物之合成 66
2.3.3.半乳糖衍生物接合脂質化合物之合成 69
2.3.4. 肝細胞對於奈米粒子攝入實驗 70
2.3.5. NPs攝入結果與討論 72
第三章、實驗方法與材料 75
3.1. Material and methods 75
3.2. Synthetic procedures and characterization 76
第四章、參考文獻 129
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