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作者(外文):Chang, Kuo Jung
論文名稱(外文):An Improved Method for Characterization of Protein Dynamics by Spin-label ESR Using Nanochannels
指導教授(外文):Chiang, Yun Wei
外文關鍵詞:Spin-label ESRSilica mesoporous materialProtein dynamics
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我們收集了一系列裝填於奈米孔洞內的T4溶菌酶之變溫ESR光譜,並且使用Stochastic Liouville Equation(SLE)的線形理論分析。此分析方法提供了定量的描述,描述著自旋標記位點於不同溫度下的局部移動性以及有序性。理論分析的結果顯示兩個光譜成分的存在,並且由於移動性的差異,將兩個成分分別標示為快運動(mobile, Mb)及慢運動成分(immobile, Im)。我們發現快運動成分移動性與骨架原子的B-factor (PDB: 3LZM)呈現正向關係,而慢運動成分移動性則與溫度有明顯的關聯。因此,我們認為快、慢運動成分分別與骨架運動以及側鏈內部運動有關。根據獲得的動力學參數,可以求得各個自旋標記位點的活化能,該值的大小顯示著局部的移動性。結果顯示,位在solvent-exposed site具有大於buried site的活化能。這樣的結果指出,當位於蛋白質表面側鏈的運動受奈米侷限水合環境限制時,蛋白質內部的微觀環境因三級結構的保護,而受到較少的影響。由於未使用奈米通道下,透過ESR研究蛋白質動力學是無法如此清楚地區分骨架運動及側鏈運動,因此透過奈米孔洞材料及ESR實驗的方法,對蛋白質動力學研究是相當重要的改善。
總結來說,我們從實驗及理論的ESR結果,詳盡地探討MSU-H中孔洞材料下的T4溶菌酶的局部動力學及有序性。裝填於奈米通道內時,T4溶菌酶於室溫下的翻滾運動大幅降低,因此 ESR光譜才更清楚地反應T4溶菌酶於微觀環境下的動力學差異。本篇研究證實了使用奈米通道於蛋白質動力學研究上的可行性。
Mesoporous silica materials are characterized by a large surface area, a narrow pore size distribution and a high stability. The materials have been demonstrated useful in many biomedical applications, such as drug release and delivery, as well as immobilization of enzyme to enhance the reuse and recovery of protein activity. Despite the variety of the application, molecular interactions between the encapsulated protein and mesoporous surface remain largely unclear. It is crucial to better understand how the protein is affected by the microenvironment inside the pores and to gain more knowledge about the immobilization/encapsulation process.
Site-directed spin-labeling (SDSL) electron spin resonance (ESR) techniques have, in the recent years, been used to study the dynamics of peptides when confined in the nanochannels of mesoporous silica materials. The previous studies showed that the encapsulation of spin-labeled peptides (or small radical molecules) in nanochannels is effective to reduce the molecular tumbling. As a result, molecular dynamics of the target molecules remains within the ESR sensitive regime, making it possible to investigate the biomolecular dynamics in the absence of viscous agents such as glycerol and sucrose at room temperature. However, this combined approach of ESR with nanochannels has not been applied to studying dynamics of real proteins. 
In this thesis, we report a comprehensive study of protein dynamics can be improved with the combined approach of ESR and nanochannels. T4 lysozyme (T4L) and a variety of single-cysteine variants of T4L mutants, corresponding to various solvent-exposed or buried sites, were prepared for the spin-label ESR study. We show that ESR spectra are sensitive to the hydration level of the encapsulated T4L when the volume of protein solution is less than the pore volume of the MSU-H materials. When the protein solution is greater than the available pore volume, ESR spectra change little with the amount of the added solution. As such, this study has determined an optimal ratio of 1/2 (v/v for solution/pore) in which, the hydration is not only sufficient to retain the protein structure but also adequate for the spin probe to reflect the differences in the local environment.
A series of temperature-dependent ESR spectra of the encapsulated T4L have been collected and analyzed using the lineshape theory based on the stochastic Liouville equation (SLE). The analysis provides a quantitative description for the local mobility and ordering of the spin-labeled sites as a function of temperature. Two spectral components are identified from the theoretical analyses. The components are best characterized by high and low mobility, hence denoted by mobile (Mb) and immobile (Im) components, respectively. While the mobility of the Mb of the studied sites was found to show a positive correlation with the B-factors of the backbone atoms (PDB: 3LZM), the mobility of the Im exhibits a clear connection with temperature. The Mb and Im components are, therefore, assigned to the dynamics corresponding to the backbone and the internal motions of side chain, respectively. Based on the dynamical parameters obtained, the activation energy of the spin-labeled sites, which provides characterization for the local mobility, is determined. The solvent-exposed sites are substantially greater in the activation energy than the buried sites. The result indicates that while the mobility of the side chains at the protein surface is restricted by the nanoconfined hydration, the microenvironment within the protein is less affected due to the protection from the tertiary structure. Perhaps this is the most important improvement for protein dynamics by the  combined approach of ESR and nanochannels, as such a clear separation of the two dynamical motions is not possible when studying protein dynamics by ESR without nanochannels.
In conclusion, this study reports the experimental and theoretical ESR results that reveal details of the local dynamics and ordering of T4L in the MSU-H mesoporous materials. When encapsulated in nanochannels, molecular tumbling motions of T4L are largely slowed down even at room temperatures. As a result, dynamical differences between the microenvironments in T4L are better reported on the ESR lineshape. This study has demonstrated the feasibility of the study approach for protein dynamics.
謝誌 I
摘要 II
Abstract IV
目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 電子自旋共振光譜於蛋白質動力學之應用 1
1.2 溶劑水分子對蛋白質之重要性 1
1.3 奈米孔洞材料以及奈米侷限空間應用之簡介 2
1.4 T4溶菌酶之簡介 2
1.5 研究動機與目的 3

第二章 儀器介紹與原理 4
2.1 電子自旋共振光譜儀 4
2.1.1 歷史發展 4
2.1.2 連續波型電子自旋共振光譜原理 4 賽曼效應(Zeeman interaction) 5 超微細偶合作用(Hyperfine interaction) 6 定位自旋標記(Site-Directed Spin Label, SDSL) 7 ESR光譜線形與分子的轉動情形 8
2.1.3 儀器裝置 10

第三章 光譜模擬 13
3.1 光譜模擬原理 13
3.1.1 Stochastic Liouville equation(SLE) 13
3.1.2 硝基氧化標記物的物理參數 14 磁性參數(magnetic parameters) 14 轉動擴散模型(Rotational Diffusion Model) 17 指向有序性(Orientational Ordering) 18
3.1.3 微觀有序巨觀無序模型(MOMD) 22
3.2 光譜模擬分析 24

第四章 樣品製備與儀器測量方法 25
4.1 樣品製備 25
4.1.1 T4溶菌酶之純化 25
4.1.2 定位自旋標記樣品之製備 26
4.1.3 孔洞材料裝填T4溶菌酶樣品之製備 26
4.2 連續波型電子自旋共振光譜量測 27
4.3 藥品與儀器 27
4.3.1 藥品 27
4.3.2 儀器 29

第五章 結果與討論 30
5.1 不同水合程度下T4溶菌酶於奈米孔洞內的運動情形 30
5.1.1 Solvent-exposed site T4L131R1 cw-ESR光譜分析 31
5.1.2 Buried site T4L99R1 cw-ESR光譜分析 35
5.1.3 奈米侷限空間下T4溶菌酶受水合程度的影響 37
5.2 侷限效應對T4溶菌酶運動模式影響之研究 38
5.3 探討溫度變化對奈米孔洞內T4溶菌酶運動模組的影響 47

第六章 結論 60

參考文獻 62
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