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作者(外文):Chen, Ting Feng
論文名稱(外文):Design and Synthesis of Glycopeptide with Antibacterial Activity
指導教授(外文):Wang, Sheng Kai
外文關鍵詞:antimicrobial peptidespolyproline
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在本研究中,我們成功合成出三種具有疊氮基的脯胺酸多肽,以及具有末端炔且帶有正電性的四種單醣,並利用CuAAC反應將單醣與胜肽結合。另外也成功利用丙炔胍(N-propargylguanidine)將胍基接上脯胺酸多肽。最後我們以MIC檢測,並得到對大腸桿菌與金黃色葡萄球菌,具有抗菌活性的化合物47效果分別為200 μM和100 μM,與化合物48效果皆為200 μM。
In the last few decades, many pathogenic bacteria have developed drug resistance due to the abuse of antibiotic. Scientists are trying to search for the replacement of antibiotic. The antimicrobial peptides can be found widely in organism, part of the innate immune system. Unlike the normal antibiotic, its special mechanism makes it unlikely to develop drug resistance, and it can also eliminate bacteria rapidly thus becoming the primary goal for lots of scientists.
In this research, we synthesized three Azp containing polyproline peptides, and four cationic glycosides, then ligated glycosides and peptides by CuAAC reaction. we also build guanidinium group on polyproline by using of N-propargylguanidine. Finally, we conducted MIC assay in E. coli and S. aureus and found antibacterial peptides 47, the result was 200 μM and 100 μM respectively, and 48 was 200 μM.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
縮寫對照表 iii
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 viii
流程目錄 ix
一、緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2抗微生物胜肽簡介 5
1.3 PP II 結構特性與富含脯胺酸之抗微生物胜肽 11
1.4 研究動機 13
二、實驗結果與討論 14
2.1 實驗設計 14
2.2 單醣構築單元的合成 17
2.2.1化合物5與11的合成 17
2.2.2化合物17、20、21的合成 21
2.3非天然脯胺酸構築單元的合成 23
2.3.1化合物24的合成 23
2.4脯胺酸多肽的合成 25
2.4.1化合物29-32的合成 26
2.5疊氮-炔類環化加成反應 29
2.5.1化合物34至38的合成 29
2.5.2化合物39至37的合成 31
2.5.3化合物44至49的合成 32
2.5.4化合物33與多肽32的CuAAC反應 33
2.5.5圓二色光譜(Circular Dichroism Spectrum,CD Spectrum)儀測量 36
2.6 最小抑菌濃度(MIC)檢測 38
2.7 結論 40
三、實驗部分 41
四、參考文獻 67
五、附錄 72
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