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作者(外文):Su,Wei Ming
論文名稱(外文):Parametric down-conversion with nonideal and random quasi-phase matching
指導教授(外文):Chuu,Chih Sung
口試委員(外文):Wang,Li Bang
Lee,Ray Kuang
外文關鍵詞:parametric down conversionentangled photonduty cyclequasi-phase matchingsecond order correlation functioncoincidence count
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  • 點閱點閱:206
  • 評分評分:*****
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因此,在本篇論文中,我們將深入探討這些誤差所帶來的非理想性與隨機性的準相位匹配,想知道對於這些產生出的糾纏光子對會有何種效應,因此,我們在實驗中量測了糾纏光子對的光譜分佈, 並且提出了一套理論模型解釋我們所觀察到的現象,最後也對於這些光子對,進行了量子力學特性上的量測,如反關聯性參數(α_2d)以及Franson-type干涉。此外,本論文內容以發表於Scientific Reports 6,26079(2016)
Quasi-phase-matching (QPM) has enriched the capacity of parametric down-conversion (PDC) in generating biphotons for many fundamental tests and advanced applications. However, it is not clear how the non-idealities and randomness in the QPM grating of a parametric down-converter may affect the quantum properties of the biphotons. This thesis intends to provide insights into the interplay between PDC and non-ideal or random QPM structures. Using a periodically poled nonlinear crystal with short periodicity, we conduct experimental and theoretical studies of PDC subject to non-ideal duty cycle and random errors in domain lengths. The work described in this thesis has been published in Scientific Reports 6, 26079 (2016)
摘要 1
致謝 3
第一章 實驗動機與目的 8
第二章 理論背景 9
2-1非線性光學 9
2-2耦合方程組 13
2-3相位匹配 17
2-4糾纏性 30
2-5反關聯性參數 34
2-6 Franson-type 干涉儀 36
第三章 量測儀器簡介與參數估計 43
3-1 自發型參量降頻轉換之光源製備 43
3-2 單光子偵測器 46
3-3 重合計數器 48
第四章 實驗架設與數據分析 55
4-1 非理想與隨機性準相位匹配 55
4-2反關聯性參數 67
4-3 Franson-type 干涉儀 72
第五章 結果與討論 78
參考文獻 79

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