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作者(外文):Chung, Hsin Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Comparison of the Evaluated Neutron Spectra between the Methods of Traditional and Extended-Range Bonner Spheres
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Ching Han
Hsu, Fang Yuh
外文關鍵詞:Bonner Sphere Spectrometerextended-range Bonner Sphere Spectrometergold foilneutron spectrum
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現今高能輻射粒子逐漸被使用於放射治療,為了評估高能輻射粒子伴隨產生中子能量與通量的分佈,波納球體能譜測量儀(簡稱BSS)是國際上最常用來評估中子能譜的儀器;但卻不適用於超過10 MeV以上高能中子的量測。在傳統的BSS加上一層高原子序物質如鉛、銅,可以提升(n, xn)反應機率,進而提升在高能量響應函數的數值,這種系統稱之為延長能量範圍波納球體能譜測量儀(簡稱ERBSS)。
從結果可以清楚發現,在國際標準射源Cf-252與THOR的實驗中,傳統BSS搭配ERBSS的中子能譜結果與傳統BSS的中子能譜結果是相似的,可以證明本研究所自製的ERBSS可以使用於中子能譜量測。可以觀察到當傳統BSS搭配PbPE球殼可以使能譜更符合真實能譜,所以當球組的數量增加,可以提高電腦軟體UMG 3.3計算中子能譜的準確度。未來待國內高能中子設施建置完成並開始運轉,可再利用此研究自製的ERBSS系統進行高能中子能譜評估與分析。
Nowadays, high-energy radiation particles are used in radiation therapy gradually. High-energy radiation particles always accompany with high-energy neutrons. To evaluate the distributions of neutron energies and fluences, the Bonner Sphere Spectrometer (BSS) is most commonly used to assess the neutron spectrum in international, but it is not good when particle energy exceed 10 MeV. High atomic number materials like lead, or copper is added to traditional BSS to increase (n, xn) cross-section, and then enhance the magnitude of the response functions in high energies. This new detection system is called Extended-Range Bonner Sphere Spectrometer (ERBSS).
In this research, 7 different sizes BSS and self-made ERBSS including 2 lead sphere-shells and 2 polyethylene sphere-shells with gold foil were used to measure neutron spectra of standard neutron source Cf-252 and Tsing-Hua Open-pool Reactor (THOR). The neutron spectra of Cf-252 and THOR measured by means of traditional BSS and ERBSS were compared.
The results showed that the neutron spectra of ERBSS and traditional BSS are similar in measuring standard Cf-252 source and THOR, and the ability of self-made ERBSS measuring neutron spectra was verified and proved. The results also showed that traditional BSS accompany with PbPE sphere-shell is more fit to real neutron spectrum. It can increase the calculation accuracy of program UMG 3.3, which calculate the neutron spectrum, when the sphere set is increased. The high-energy neutron facilities are going to be constructed and operated in the future, in Taiwan. By experimental verification of this study, the feasibility of using self-made ERBSS system to evaluate and analysis high-energy neutron spectrum is approved.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目次 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2中子來源與輻射防護 2
1.3研究目的 3
1.4文獻回顧 6
1.5研究架構 16
第二章 材料與方法 17
2.1多球體能譜偵檢器 17
2.1.1 緩速球體 19
2.1.2延長能量範圍緩速球體 21
2.1.3熱中子偵檢器 24
2.2響應函數 28
2.3 MCNP5模擬 29
2.4電腦計算中子能譜 31
2.5高純鍺偵檢器 32
2.5.1偵檢器效率校正 34
2.6實驗方法 35
2.6.1國家標準實驗室 35
2.6.2清華開放式水池反應器 36
第三章 結果與討論 38
3.1傳統BSS搭配金箔的響應函數 38
3.2 ERBSS搭配金箔之響應函數 39
3.3金箔計讀結果 43
3.3.1標準射源Cf-252 43
3.3.2清華開放式水池反應器(THOR) 45
3.4金箔響應函數的修正 47
3.6電腦軟體(UMG 3.3)計算中子能譜結果 51
3.6.1游離輻射國家標準實驗室裸Cf-252中子能譜 52
3.6.2清華開放式水池反應器(THOR)之中子能譜 57
第四章 結論 62
參考文獻 63
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