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作者(外文):Wu, Sheng Yan
論文名稱(外文):Roles of CD11b+ myeloid cells in primary and recurrent brain tumors
指導教授(外文):Chiang, Chi Shiun
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chien wen
Chen, Fang Hsin
外文關鍵詞:myeloid cellsrecurrent tumorbrain tumorprimary tumormacrophage
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惡性腦腫瘤至今仍是最難以治療的癌症之一,原因在於極其複雜的腦內腫瘤微環境,以及其對於輻射治療之抗性。 本研究室之前在攝護腺癌與腦癌的研究中發現在接受過輻射治療後的腦瘤微環境中,CD11b+髓狀細胞對於腫瘤的復發扮演相當重要之角色。本實驗利用CD11b-DTR 基因轉殖鼠來探討腦腫瘤接受HSV-Tk前驅藥物GCV的治療過程,這些CD11b+髓狀細胞在其中所扮演的角色。透過連續施打兩劑的Diphtheria toxin (白喉毒素)於基因轉殖鼠,我們幾乎可以完全移除腹腔內的巨噬細胞,並且讓血液中的單核球顯著的減少。 在小鼠原位腦腫瘤模組中發現,專一性的減少巨噬細胞以及單核球可以有效增強GCV的治療效果,讓老鼠的平均存活天數從30.6增加到37.6天,並伴隨著抑制腫瘤生長之效果。相反的,專一性的減少巨噬細胞以及單核球並沒有辦法延長未接受治療老鼠之生存天數(DT vs PBS : 22.4 vs 25 天),反而有加速了老鼠死亡之頃向。應用免疫染色法分析腦腫瘤組織,結果指出,接受GCV治療之後,巨噬細胞大量的浸潤至腫瘤內部,並且伴隨著腫瘤微血管密度(MVD)的上升。然而,專一性的減少這群巨噬細胞,可以使MVD下降,並留下更多的iNOS+巨噬細胞以及大量iNOS+髓狀細胞的浸潤。另一方面,單單減少腫瘤內的巨噬細胞而未接受治療則會使腫瘤內部有更多的ARG-1+髓狀細胞的浸潤。綜合以上結果,我們可以發現在原位腫瘤中巨噬細胞是扮演對抗腫瘤生長的角色,而在治療後卻是一位協助腫瘤血管新生以及復發的幫兇。此外,我們也發現只有在腫瘤治療中同時減少巨噬細胞的數量才能發揮其最佳之結合療效。總結來說,本篇研究結果提出了一個可行且有效的傳統治療結合標靶巨噬細胞作為輔助治療,為之後更深入的臨床治療提供了一個有力的方向。
Malignant glioma is one of the toughest tumors to be treated at present due to the complexity of the tumor microenvironment and the intrinsic resistant to therapy. Previous studies have shown that CD11b+ myeloid cells play essential role in recurrent prostate and brain tumors following radiation therapy. In this study, the CD11b-diphtheria toxin receptor (CD11b-DTR) transgenic mouse model was used to evaluate the role of CD11b+ myeloid cells in TK/GCV suicide gene therapy for brain tumor using a murine astrocytomal tumor model, ALTS1C1-TK. The results show that the depletion of peritoneal macrophages (CD11b+F4/80+) and blood monocyte (CD11b+Ly6G-Ly6C-) could be achieved after two injections of DT, but the neutrophil (CD11b+Gr-1+) were increased transiently. Results also found that the depletion of CD11b+ myeloid cells enhanced the efficacy of TK/GCV therapy as shown by the increase of median surviving time of GCV-treated ALTS1C1-TK tumor-bearing mice from 30.6 days to 37.6 days with significant tumor growth reduction. Interestingly, the depletion of CD11b+ myeloid cells did not benefit the surviving time of tumor-bearing mice after receiving two doses of DT injections compared to the control PBS group (22.4 days vs 25.0 days, respectively). The immunohistological analysis of the tumor tissues revealed that F4/80+ macrophages were significantly increased after GCV administration associated with increasing micro-vascular density (MVD) of the tumor. Selective depletion of these macrophages resulted in reduced MVD and increasing iNOS+ macrophages and myeloid cells. On the other hand, selective depletion of the macrophages without GCV treatment resulted in the increase of the ARG-1+ myeloid cells in the tumor. These results indicate that macrophages could change their roles from the anti-tumor activity in the primary tumor to the pro-tumor function in the therapy-induced recurrent tumors. This study also found the best time for macrophages/monocytes depletion was performed during the administration of GCV, but not before or after GCV treatment. In summary, this study demonstrates that macrophages play different roles in the primary and the recurrent tumors. This study also provides a feasible strategy for combining conventional therapies with macrophage targeting for brain tumor therapy.

Table of contents
中文摘要 4
Abstract 5
致謝 7
Table of contents 8
Chapter I Introduction 11
1.1 Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) 11
1.2 Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) 12
1.3 Genetic depleting model: CD11b-DTR transgenic mice 14
1.4 Suicide gene therapy model: HSV-tk/ GCV 15
Chapter II. Material and Methods 18
2.1 Mice 18
2.2 Cell line cultures 18
2.3 Cell transfection 19
2.4 RNA isolation and reverse-transcribe PCR 19
2.5 Cytotoxicity MTT assay of GCV prodrug 20
2.6 Peritoneal macrophage preparation 20
2.7 Facial peripheral blood cells collection 21
2.8 Spleen cells preparation 21
2.9 Brain mononuclear cells collection by percoll gradient 21
2.10 Intracranial injection of orthotopic tumor model 22
2.11 Drug preparation 23
2.12 Process of embedding brain tumor samples 23
2.13 Immunohistochemical analysis 24
2.14 H & E staining 24
2.15 Immunofluorescence staining 25
2.16 Flow cytometry 26
2.17 Statistics 27
Chapter III Results 28
3.1 Establishment of ALTS1C1-TK cell line 28
3.1.1 Characteristics of the HSV-sr39tk-transfected cell lines in vitro 28
3.1.2 In vivo anti-tumor effect of the TK/GCV suicide gene therapy system 29
3.2 The monocyte/macrophage depletion system: CD11b-DTR transgenic mice 30
3.2.1 Effect of DT treatment on CD11b positive peritoneal cells of CD11b-DTR mice 30
3.2.2 Effect of DT treatment on CD11b positive peripheral blood cells of CD11b-DTR mice 31
3.2.3 Effect of DT treatment on CD11b positive cells of the spleen and the brain of CD11b-DTR mice 32
3.2.4 Effect of DT administration on normal mice. 33
3.3 The roles of macrophages in HSV-tk/GCV therapy 34
3.3.1 Selective depletion of macrophages/monocytes benefits the HSV-tk/GCV therapy. 34
3.3.2 H & E staining revealed the progression of tumor growth 35
3.3.3 The distribution of peripheral blood myeloid cells during tumor progression 35
3.3.4 The correlation of peripheral blood myeloid cells with mice survival 36
3.3.5 Selective depletion of macrophages/monocytes in CD11b-DTR mice decreased the TAMs in the tumor microenvironment 37
3.3.6 Selective depletion of macrophages/monocytes did not change the Mean Vessel Density in the tumor microenvironment 38
3.3.7 Selective depletion of macrophages/monocytes affect iNOS, ARG-1 expressions in HSV-tk tumors 39
3.3.8 The time dependent effect of selective depletion of the macrophages/monocytes 40
3.3.9 Long-term cytotoxic effect of DT to the CD11b-DTR transgenic mice without tumor 41
Chapter IV Discussion 42
4.1 Selective depletion of monocytes/macrophage benefits HSV-tk/GCV therapy 42
4.2 Increased TAMs in tumor after GCV therapy lead to angiogenesis 43
4.3 Increasing Neutrophils is positive correlated to mice survival 44
4.4 The roles of Microglia to tumor are not clarified here 45
4.5 Cytotoxic effect of the diphtheria toxin to the CD11b-DTR mice 47
4.6 Role of T-cells in tk/GCV therapy and their association with TAMs 48
4.7 Macrophage targeting from theory to clinical 49
Figure and Diagrams 51
Reference 89

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