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作者(外文):Lin, Chia Chou
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Fin Shape of Tapered FinFETs on Sub-16-nm Application using TCAD simulation
指導教授(外文):Wu, Yung Chun
外文關鍵詞:FinFETTCAD simulationsub-16 nm
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  • 評分評分:*****
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現代半導體工藝技術隨著摩爾定律(Moore’s law)的預期發展,其中短通道性應一直都是一道難以突破的瓶頸。因此,元件從原本使用已久的二維結構轉變為閘極控制能力較佳的三維結構,即廣為人知的鰭式場效電晶體(FinFET)。
在本研究中主要針對摻雜濃度(Doping concentration)固定的情況下,調整鰭式場效電晶體結構參數,以配合元件設計調整使用。其中包含隔離層長度(Spacer, LSP)、鰭式通道頂部寬度(Top Fin-Width, FWT)、鰭式通道底部寬度(Bottom Fin-Width, FWB)以及鰭式通道高度(Fin-Height, FH)。
一般認為,提高鰭式通道高度可以有效增加飽和電流(ISAT),提高一奈米的高度約可得到兩個百分點左右的電流增益,提高其值並不太影響臨界電壓值(VTH)是其優勢之一,但其值越高代表著深寬比(Aspect ratio)越大,使製程難度提升許多。
In modern semiconductor industry, it keeps following Moore’s law. Short channel effects (SCE) has always been a serious issue to familiar with. As a result of this, CMOS device turned form traditional two-dimensional (2D) structure into a three-dimensional (3D) structure, which is well known as FinFETs.
This study, we describe some strategies to design CMOS devices by tuning FinFET structure to gain better electrical properties with same doping concentration. The structure parameters including spacer length (LSP), Top Fin-Width (FWT), Bottom Fin-Width(FWB) and Fin-Height (FH).
The simulation result shows that LSP will largely affect device electrical properties, and it will be different as gate length (LG) changing. The LSP should be design to fit the requirement. To simplify the mission, this research focuses on a fixed LSP condition and varies other structure parameters.
It is well known that, increasing FH can effectively gain saturation current(ISAT). A 1 nm increment of FH approximately can gain additional 2% current. One of its advantages is that it would not affect threshold voltage (VTH) a lot. But a higher FH means that a larger aspect ratio, thus a harder manufacturing process.
Increasing FWB to gain current may not be a good choice due to its inefficient. It can only gain additional 1% current. Even a wider FWB lets a larger cross section for epitaxy source and drain, but it also increases device area, which contradicts the requirement of modern semiconductor industry.
Tuning FWT may be the best choice to have a current gain. Additional 1 nm FWT can gain extra 4% current, which is the highest in these three options. Moreover, it would not influence VTH a lot, and it is good for source drain epitaxy.
In conclusion, this study suggests some options to gain current. We also analyze how these strategies influence electrical properties. Finally, we conclude that FinFET can continue Moore’s till 5 nm technology node.
中 文 摘 要 i
Abstract iii
Acknowledge v
Chapter 1 1
Introduction 1
1-1 The challenge of the Moore’s Law 1
1-2 Challenges of traditional MOSFET 4
1-3 Motivation 8
1-4Thesis Organization 14
Chapter 2 15
Multi-gate FET and Nano-device Mechanism 15
2-1 Multigate FETMechanism 15
2-2 Quantum Mechanism 19
2-3 Device Leakage 26
Chapter 3 31
Device Structure and Simulation 31
3-1 Device Structure 31
3-2 Device Parameters Setting and Strategy 33
Chapter 4 36
Results and Discussion 36
4-1 Trigate FinFETs with Different Spacer Length 37
4-2Trigate FinFETs with Different Fin-Height 40
4-3Trigate FinFETs with Different Fin-Width 41
4-4Trigate FinFETs with Different Top-Fin-Width and Different Fin-Height 45
4-5 Physical Properties Analysis of FWT and FH 52
4-6 Electric Properties of each technology nodes FinFETs 61
Chapter 5 64
Conclusion 64
Reference 66
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Chapter 2

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Chapter 3
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Chapter 4
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Chapter 5
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