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作者(外文):Chen,Jie Sheng
論文名稱(外文):Strontium Ion Mediated Alginate Tubes for Highly-Viable 3D Core-Shell Glomerular Podocyte Cells Cultivation
指導教授(外文):Tseng,Fan Gang
Wang,Hsiang Yu
口試委員(外文):Wang,Pen Cheng
Hsu,Hsiang Hao
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:369
  • 評分評分:*****
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Glomerular play an important role of blood filtration in human body。From outside to inside are endothelia cells, glomerular basement membrane(GBM) and podocyte, respectively. These three kinds of cells act as the different size of filtration membranes to filter. For example, endothelia cells stop red blood cells crossing the blood vessel. Therefore we have to manufacture a core-shell multilayer co-axis microfibers, and culture three kinds of cell on the each layer. So that we can imitate the behavior of glomerular in human boddy.
In the past research, alginate is the only material of the co-axis microfibers. Alginate will have a cross-linking reaction when we add calcium chloride solution in it. The sodium ion in alginate will be replaced by the calcium ion. The hard alginate have to hold the microfibers by its mechanical strength. The material of the inside tube is gelatin with suspended cells. We use two syringe pump to produce the outside tube and inside tube at the same time. In the first step of our experiment, we focus on the influence of podocyte after giving pressure differences. The dialysis population still high is Taiwan. The density of dialysis population ranks in top five in all over the world. And hypertension is one of the leading causes of dialysis. So we do some research on podocyte filtration after giving pressure. With the pathological behavior and results in first step, we find out some best parameters including gel inject velocity, gel species, gel concentration in second step. Cells is not easily to survive in 3D structures. In 3D structures, there are many impact factors. They will influence the survival ratio of cells. In this step, we focus on finding the best environment for cells to survive. And supply these parameters to 3D structure cells culturing. In the last step, we manufacture 3D cell tube. In this period, we observe that podocyte are sensitive to calcium ion. So we cure alginate with strontium, instead. Podocyte stretch out under the environment of strontium. It is the key factor of glomerular filtration. Besides strontium cured alginate has a more stronger mechanical strength. This is the right material for the 3D cell tube.
For the future work, multi-layer 3D cell tube with endothelial cell, GBM and podocyte is our final purpose to mimic the glomerulr in vitro.
摘要 ii
Abstract iv
致謝 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 4
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1組織工程 7
2.1.1細胞貼附 8
2.2水膠 10
2.3膠原蛋白(collagen) 14
2.4二維空間水膠培養細胞 16
2.5三維空間水膠培養細胞 17
第三章 實驗設計與規劃 22
3.1平面壓力測試 23
3.1.1 發病機理 23
3.1.2 平面壓力實驗設計 24
3.2 二維水膠環境模擬 25
3.2.1 二維模擬動機 25
3.2.2 二維細胞培養設計 28
3.3三維細胞管製作 29
3.3.1 裝置改善 29
第四章 實驗操作流程 31
4.1細胞微環境操作 31
4.1.1 細胞培養基本技術 31
4.1.2調配培養液 32
4.1.3 細胞培養 32
4.2平面壓力測試實驗流程 33
4.2.1膜上培養細胞 33
4.2.2進行壓力測試 34
4.2.3壓力測試後分析 35
4.3二維水膠培養流程 36
4.3.1水膠製備 36
4.3.2 氯化鈣、氯化鎂、氯化鍶測試 36
4.2.3 塗佈膠原蛋白 37
4.2.4 塗佈膠原蛋白 38
4.4實驗儀器 39
4.4.1膜上培養細胞儀器與藥品 39
4.4.2水膠培養細胞儀器與藥品 42
4.4.3三維細胞管儀器與藥品 44
第五章 結果與討論 47
5.1平面壓力實驗結果 47
5.1.1蛋白質洩漏測試 47
5.1.2 mRNA表現量測試 48
5.1.3 恢復實驗 49
5.2二維水膠細胞培養結果 51
5.2.1各類參數影響比較 51
5.2.2不同水膠濃度細胞培養 54
5.3三維細胞管培養結果 55
5.3.1各類細胞管內培養 55
第六章 結論 59
6.1平面壓力測試 59
6.2二維水膠表面細胞培養 60
6.2.1各類參數的影響 60
6.2.2不同濃度水膠培養 62
6.3三維細胞管製作 63
6.3.1各種細胞管內培養 63
第七章 未來工作 64
第八章 文獻回顧 66

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