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作者(外文):Hsu, Chang Yi
論文名稱(外文):The evaporator of Methanol and hydrogen peroxide appling to the rear end of the methanol reforming reactor
外文關鍵詞:Fuel cellevaporatorreformer
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Recombinant methanol fuel cell is a system integration including two elements that methanol reformer and Phosphoric acid fuel cell. The purpose of methanol reformer is doing reforming reaction that convert methanol into hydrogen for Phosphoric acid fuel cell[1]. The purpose of Phosphoric acid fuel cell is transforming chemical energy into electrical energy .The reforming of this research is OSRM(oxidative steam reforming of methanol),the reaction is combine POM with SRM. First of the research, we have to make sure the fuel of OSRM won’t corrode the channel of silicon. We use the gas-liquid map to analyze four different kind structure for which one is best for OSRM. In our research, we want use evaporator to vapor the fuel into gas phase to feed the fuel continuously. So we have to make sure the bubble of fuel is very small and uniformly distribute.
In our research, we compare the four different structure to find out which structure is the best for our experiment. The four structure is empty, line, herringbone, herringbone with line. After we test the four different structure, we get the best structure for us is herringbone with line channel because the gases ratio is 65% and the bubble size distribution is 6-8 〖mm〗^2 which is the best result in our four different structure.

摘要 I
致謝 II
目錄 III
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 前言 1
1.2. 燃料電池的發展 2
1.3. 甲醇重組製氫工作原理 5
1.4. 甲醇進料流道板 8
1.5. 研究動機與目的 10
第二章 文獻回顧 11
2.1 被動式進料板與蒸發器 12
2.1.1毛細現象及毛細壓差 12
2.1.2漸擴管 13
2.2.甲醇產氫反應 14
2.2.1甲醇分解反應 Methanol decomposition 14
2.2.2甲醇部分氧化反應 Partial oxidation of methanol 14
2.2.3甲醇蒸氣重組反應 Steam reforming of methanol 15
2.2.4複合式甲醇蒸氣重組反應 Oxidative steam reforming of methanol 16
2.2.5產氫重組反應優缺點比較 17
第三章 微型產氫裝置製作與實驗系統 18
3.1被動式甲醇進料反應板 18
3.1.1毛細管壓差與抗回衝原理 18
3.1.2微結構致動機制-diffuser 21
3.1.3進料流道板設計規劃 23
3.1.4各種漸擴流道板設計 24
3.1.5 四種不同流道對於燃料氣泡大小與氣泡多寡之比較 25
3.1.6 被動蒸發器流道熱效率測試系統 27
3.2微型產氫裝置整合 28
3.2.1微型產氫裝置流道設計 28
3.2.2微型產氫裝置測試系統 32
第四章 微型產氫裝置理論分析 33
4.1整合型產氫裝置進料與產物分析 33
4.1.1整合型產氫裝置進料比例計算 33
第五章實驗結果與討論 34
5.1甲醇與過氧化氫(雙氧水)加熱混合對於被動式進料板之腐蝕影響 34
5.1.1 SEM拍攝甲醇與過氧化氫對於矽腐蝕情形 35
5.1.2電化學測試腐蝕情形 46
5.2甲醇與過氧化氫混和均勻性測試 49
5.2.1甲醇與過氧化氫氣泡與流道總體積比 49
5.2.2氣體分布分析 51
5.3被動式流道被動機制測試 52
5.4被動流道之熱效率分析 56
第六章 結論與未來工作 59
6.1本論文研究結果 59
6.1.1甲醇與過氧化氫(雙氧水)對於矽流道之腐蝕影響 59
6.1.2甲醇與過氧化氫氣泡在流道分布均勻情形 59
6.2未來研究工作 60
參考文獻 61

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