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作者(外文):Wang,Sung Ren
論文名稱(外文):Feasibility study of the two-phase closed loop thermosyphon apply on the solar thermal storage system
指導教授(外文):Lin,Wei Keng
外文關鍵詞:Two-phase closed loop thermosyphonSolar thermal collectors
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  本篇論文主要是研究TPCLT環路系統在太陽能熱水器的應用,實驗中有小型與大型兩種環路,實驗參數在小型TPCLT環路為不同結構以及加入不同長度毛細物質對於熱轉換效率的影響;而大型TPCLT環路則為不同填充量測試、加熱功率啟動測試。小型TPCLT環路實驗結果顯示加熱瓦數為360瓦時,非對稱型環路的效率為70.8 %,而Top-U-Symmetric 和 Both-U-Symmetric的轉換效率分別為74.6%和76.1%,而當多孔性毛細結構放入蒸發管內時,Top-U-Symmetric的轉換效率增加為81%。大型TPCLT環路實驗結果顯示此系統填充量為70%且在加熱功率為630W時,熱轉換效率為69%;填充量為60%且在加熱功率為630W時,熱轉換效率為63%。而在系統填充量為70%時,最低可啟動的加熱功率為270W,填充量為60%時,最低可啟動的加熱功率則為180W。
A two-phase closed loop thermosyphon (TPCLT) is a high-efficiency two-phase heat transfer device, which is composed of evaporator, condenser, vapor head, vapor line, liquid head and liquid line. The basic concept is the phase change of a working fluid is used to transport heat from evaporator to condenser through natural circulation without any external driving forces. The device is capable to transport heat for a long distance, so it is proper to apply on the building integrated solar thermal systems.
This study presents the possibility of the TPCLT apply on the solar thermal storage system. This experiment contains two different types of TPCLT, the small one and the large one. In small TPCLT, experimental results show that when heating power is 360W, the non-symmetric TPCLT’s efficiency is 70.88%, the top-U-symmetric TPCLT’s efficiency is 74.6% and the both-U-symmetric TPCLT’s efficiency is 76.1%. When the porous material is put in the top-U-symmetric TPCLT, the efficiency increases to 81%. In large TPCLT, experimental results show that the storage efficiency is 69% in filling ratio 70% with heating power 630W. The storage efficiency is 63% in filling ratio 60% with heating power 630W. When the system is in filling ratio 70%, the lowest start-up heating power is 270W. When the system is in filling ratio 60%, the lowest start-up heating power is 180W.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
符號表 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 4
1.3 文獻回顧 5
1.3.1 傳統熱管(Heat Pipe) 5
1.3.2 迴路式熱管(LHP) 7
1.3.3 雙相封閉熱虹吸式環路(TPCLT) 8
第二章 TPCLT理論分析 14
2.1 TPCLT工作原理 14
2.2 TPCLT之熱傳限制 15
2.2.1 乾化界限(Dryout Limit) 15
2.2.2 音速界限(Sonic Limit) 15
2.2.3 沸騰界限(Boiling Limit) 16
2.2.4 黏滯界限(Viscous Limit) 16
2.2.5 非凝結氣體(Non-Condensable Gas , NCG)的影響 16
2.3 TPCLT理論基礎分析 17
第三章 TPCLT環路元件 20
3.1 工作流體的選擇 20
3.2 蒸發部之選用 22
3.3 冷凝部之設計 23
3.4 循環管路之設計 24
第四章 實驗設備與方法 33
4.1 實驗前準備工作 4.1.1 真空系統 (Vacuum system) 33
4.1.2 填充工作流體 33
4.2 TPCLT環路測試設備 35
4.2.1 小型TPCLT環路 35
4.2.2 大型TPCLT環路 37
4.3 TPCLT環路性能測試 40
4.3.1 測試平台建立 40
4.3.2 性能測試步驟 41
4.4 實驗參數 42
第五章 實驗結果與討論 53
5.1 小型TPCLT環路結構測試實驗 55
5.1.1 小型TPCLT環路結構測試總結 57
5.2 小型TPCLT環路加入毛細物質測試測試實驗 58
5.2.1 小型TPCLT環路加入毛細物質測試測試總結 60
5.3 大型TPCLT wickless環路等功率加熱測試實驗 60
5.3.1 填充量V+=60%在等功率加熱之情形 61
5.3.2 填充量V+=70%在等功率加熱之情形 66
5.3.3 大型TPCLT wickless環路等功率加熱實驗與填充量V+總結 70
第六章 結論與建議 72
6.1 結論 72
6.2 建議 73
參考文獻 75

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