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作者(外文):Yen, Hung-Hsiu
論文名稱(外文):Short-term spatial memory in un-trained Drosophila Melanogaster
指導教授(外文):Lo, Chung-Chun
口試委員(外文):Sang, Tzu-Kang
Wu, Chia-Lin
中文關鍵詞:果蠅短期記憶LED 螢幕行為實驗
外文關鍵詞:Buridan's paradigm
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記憶分成長期記憶 (long-term memory) 以及短期記憶 (short-term memory)。其中我們對於短期記憶如何在人類腦中運作深感興趣。但因人類腦神經的數量級過大 (860億條)以及電腦運算效能等問題造成我們在人類腦神經科學研究上有許多阻礙。(羅中泉, 2014)。而果蠅腦中腦神經數量級遠小於人類 (約幾十萬條) 對於現階段的電腦運算效能剛好符合加上有發展成熟的基因工具 (genetics tools)可以控制每一隻果蠅欲表現的性狀,是一個相當成熟的研究模型。因此我們以研究果蠅短期記憶對行走行為的影響為出發點,希望未來能了解短期記憶在果蠅腦中的形成方式。
為研究果蠅的短期記憶,我們建造了一款 LED環形螢幕並且以發展已久的果蠅視覺行為實驗Buridan’s paradigm為基礎,設計了一項研究果蠅空間短期記憶的實驗步驟。同時藉由我們所創新的數據分析方法分析數據來探討短期記憶能否對果蠅的行走行為造成影響。
Memory can be classified into long-term memory (LM) and short-term memory (SM). We are particularly interested in the mechanism of the SM between two of them. Owing to the quantity of neurons in human’s brain and the efficiency of computer, we chose Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) as studying model. We started with the research of how the fly’s SM affects its walking behavior and hoped that we can apply the result to the human’s brain in the future.
In order to research fly’s behavior and to demonstrate detailed features in SM, we built our own LED arena based on recent designs. In Drosophila’s research, SM was demonstrated by Buidan’s paradigm. We created a protocol, which is based on Buidan’s paradigm to study the walking behavior of fruit fly. We also created a new method to analyze fly’s behavior and the effect of fly’s SM.
Our result indicates that a fly’s walking behavior can be categorized into three basic types after the target was off set. Further result shows that one of the fly’s behaviors can be affected by its SM. During the analysis, we also observed the possible that the fly maybe have the ability of retaining SM for more than 60 seconds.
一、簡介……………………………………………………………………… 1
Buridan’s paradigm………………………………………………….3
二、方法……………………………………………………………………… 5
原始的 Buridan’s paradigm 分析方法及改良…………………….9
LED 螢幕測試 Buridan’s paradigm ………………………………11
三、結果…………………………………………………………………… 14
結果一: Bar消失後果蠅的行為…………………………………14
結果二: 果蠅空間短期記憶對行為的影響………………….…..18
四、討論與結論………………………………………………………. 24
五、附錄…………………………………………………………………… 26
附錄(1) 各階段篩選以及短期記憶影響程度計算方法………….26
附錄(2) LED 螢幕架構以及設計理念.……………………….......29
附錄(3) 結果二 17隻果蠅數據分析結果…...……………………51
附錄(4) 結果一 58隻果蠅軌跡數據……………………………...56
附錄(5) 結果二第二階段 71隻果蠅軌跡數據…………………...61
六、參考文獻…………………………………………………………… 70
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