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作者(外文):Lee, Meng Jung
論文名稱(外文):Short-term modulation of developmental neural activity promotes neurite outgrowth of retinal explants
指導教授(外文):Chiao, Chuan Chin
口試委員(外文):Wang, Chih Tien
Fan, Long Sheng
Chen, Linyi
外文關鍵詞:retinal wavesretinal ganglion cellselectrical stimulationaxon regenerationneurotrophic factors
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關鍵字 : 視網膜波、視網膜節細胞、電刺激、軸突再生、神經營養因子
Mature mammalian central nervous system fails to regenerate after severe injuries. However, it is known that gradual loss of axon growth ability of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) during development is largely determined by extrinsic signals rather than programmed genetically. Spontaneous retinal waves are the major neural activity during retinal development. Thus, restoring developmental environment by mimicking these neural activities may provide help to axon regeneration of RGCs. Here we demonstrated that neurite outgrowth of retinal explants was greatly enhanced when short term electrical stimulation similar to stage II retinal waves was applied to the retinas normally displayed stage III retinal waves. Similarly, short term induction of globally wave-like neural activity by blocking inhibitory neural transmission in the same age of retinas also greatly promoted neurite outgrowth even in the absence of exogenous neurotrophic factors. Surprisingly, neurite outgrowth was significantly reduced when glutamate transmission was blocked pharmacologically in the retinas normally displayed stage II cholinergic retinal waves. These findings support that short term restoration of environments that mimic neural activities of developmentally precedent retinas is sufficient to enhance neurite outgrowth of retinal explants, and may lead to a therapeutic strategy of preventing the gradual loss of axon growth ability of RGCs in more mature retinas.
Key words: retinal waves, retinal ganglion cells, electrical stimulation, axon regeneration, neurotrophic factors
摘要 i
Abstract ii
1. Introduction 1
2. Materials and Methods 5
2.1 Retinal explant preparation 5
2.2 Retinal explant culture 5
2.3 Immunohistochemistry 6
2.4 Neurite outgrowth identification and quantification 7
2.5 Electrical stimulation and recording 8
2.6 Pharmacological treatments 9
2.7 Cell viability assay 9
2.8 Wave property analysis 10
3. Results 12
3.1 Stage II wave-like electrical stimultaion promotes survival and neurite outgrowth in retinal explants 12
3.2 Short term electrical stimulation without altering intrinsic wave properties is sufficient to promote neurite outgrowth in P11 retinal explants 13
3.3 Glutamate transmission but not stage II retinal waves promotes neurite outgrowth in P5 retinal explants 14
3.4 Short term induction of globally wave-like neural activity promotes survival and neurite outgrowth in P11 retinal explants 16
4. Discussion 18
4.1 Glutamatergic transmission affects neurite outgrowth in immature retinal explants 18
4.2 ES promotes neurite outgrowth by stimulating RGCs directly 20
4.3 Short-term elevation of neural activity results in long-term effect of promoting neurite outgrowth 21
4.4 The promoting effect of neurite outgrowth depends on electrical activity patterns 22
4.5 Limitation of neurite outgrowth promoted by neural activity 24
5. References 25
6. Figures 29
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