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作者(外文):Lin, Se Yu
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of the effects of a wound healing promoting matrix containing adipose-derived stem cell spheroids embedded in collagen
指導教授(外文):Chang, Hwan You
口試委員(外文):Kao, Mou Chieh
Chang, Chuang Rung
外文關鍵詞:Wound healingAdipose-derived stem cellSpheroids
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皮膚是對抗外來病原的第一道防線,若損傷則非常容易受到感染,因此促進傷口癒合的研究受到高度重視,也有多種促進傷口癒合材料在市場販售。利用組織工程及細胞治療已被用於促進傷口癒合,並且顯示較傳統敷料更佳的效果。本研究建立含有脂肪幹細胞類球體的膠原蛋白凝膠敷料,並測試是否能幫助傷口更快速的癒合。首先觀察脂肪幹細胞與小腸上皮細胞株C2BBe1共培養的結果,發現脂肪幹細胞能形成似微血管的管狀網絡結構。而後我們利用C2BBe1細胞層刮除一道無細胞區域,並使用不同處理模擬傷口癒合,結果顯示加入培養過脂肪幹細胞的條件培液能促使傷口癒合。接著以懸滴培養法製作脂肪細胞類球體,發現經三維培養細胞生長速率提升,並且其條件培養液能降低巨噬細胞發炎因子IL-1β的分泌。後續透過裸鼠皮膚層切除之傷口癒合模式,製造直徑為8 mm的圓形傷口,再以吻合傷口大小的含脂肪幹細胞類球體的膠原蛋白凝膠敷料覆蓋於傷口處,並與其他組比對,發現處理組的傷口具有較佳的皮膚癒合速率。組織切片結果顯示發炎性細胞的浸潤降低,傷口癒合過程中發炎時期也縮短。綜合本研究結果,此脂肪幹細胞類球體的膠原蛋白凝膠敷料對於皮膚傷口是有助益的。製備該敷料簡易,使用也便利,是促進傷口癒合的另一替代方案。
Skin is the first line of barrier to protect the body from pathogens. Patients suffering from burns, diabetes wounds and chronic skin wounds are susceptible to infections. Tissue engineering- based cell therapies have been used to promote wound healing and demonstrated to be more effective than conventional wound dressing. In this study, we examined whether adipose-derived stem cell (ADSC) spheroids, a simple three-dimensional (3D) substitute, can accelerate wound healing. First, we found ADSC co-cultured with the human intestinal epithelial C2BBe1 cells formed tube-like structure. We then investigated whether ADSC could promote cell migration using the scratch wound healing assay on monolayers of C2BBe1 cells. The result showed that wound healing was significantly enhanced after treatment with conditioned medium from ADSC. In addition, we found that ADSC-spheroids formation by hanging drop had higher cells growth rate, and ADSC conditioned medium reduced IL-1β level during inflammation. This study was followed by using the cutaneous excisional nude mice model. We covered the 8 mm-diameter wound on mice with a dressing consisting of ADSC-spheroids embedded in a collagen gel. The ADSC- spheroids collagen dressing treated-group displayed a significant faster healing rate after one week than its untreated counterpart. Data from histology sections of the wounds suggest that the quicker healing rates by ADSC-spheroids embedded collagen dressing treatment may be due to the reduction of inflammation in the wound healing process. The establishment of the ADSC-spheroids collagen dressing is beneficial to patients with skin wounds. The dressing is also simple to prepare and is convenient to be used in patients. Therefore, ADSC-spheroids collagen dressing may provide a clinical alternative to promote wound healing.
2.1.3人類脂肪幹細胞ADSC 繼代培養........................7
2.1.4小鼠巨噬細胞株RAW264.7 繼代培養....................8
2.2管狀結構形成 (Tube-formation).......................8
2.9酵素結合免疫吸附分析 (ELISA) 檢測發炎因子表現量.........11
2.10三維膠原蛋白凝膠製備 (3D collagen gel)...............11
2.14細胞層片製作 (Cell sheet)...........................13

2.1.3人類脂肪幹細胞ADSC 繼代培養........................7
2.1.4小鼠巨噬細胞株RAW264.7 繼代培養....................8
2.2管狀結構形成 (Tube-formation).......................8
2.9酵素結合免疫吸附分析 (ELISA) 檢測發炎因子表現量.........11
2.10三維膠原蛋白凝膠製備 (3D collagen gel)...............11
2.14細胞層片製作 (Cell sheet)...........................13
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1. 利用新式三維細胞培養系統研究癌症與組織工程中異種細胞間交互作用
2. 治療性anti-IgE單株抗體藥物在體外重組模式及體內基因轉殖鼠之藥理作用機制
3. 建構並鑑定創傷弧菌調控子LytR的突變株
4. 創傷弧菌YJ016中調控環狀雙鳥嘌呤單磷酸相關的 vva0325-36基因群功能分析
5. DTriP-22抑制腸病毒71型之機制探討
6. 細菌基因表現之調控: HptB磷酸根轉移系統與三磷酸腺苷水解功能必須之轉錄蛋白AcoK之功能分析
7. 比較分析綠膿桿菌兩個尿嘧啶雙磷酸葡萄糖去氫酶
8. 標的表現IgE的B淋巴細胞以調控IgE之生成
9. 克雷白氏肺炎桿菌第三型線毛主要單體蛋白MrkA—線毛組裝有關區域之搜尋以及於呈現系統發展之應用
10. 綠膿桿菌HptB訊息傳遞路徑-雜合感應子之分析及下游基因之搜尋
11. 克雷白氏肺炎桿菌磷酸酪胺酸激酶KpWzc對其下游酵素ManC, Gnd活性影響之分析與Ugd磷酸酪胺酸殘基鑑定與下游受質之搜尋
12. 克雷白氏肺炎桿菌第三型線毛主要單元體MrkA─參與線毛堆疊之重要胺基酸分析以及線毛的疫苗呈現系統之建構
13. Histidine-containing Phosphotransfer Protein-B (HptB) Regulates Swarming Motility through Partner-switching System in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 strain
14. 利用磁性粒子與光敏性水膠建構特殊細胞排列的組織
15. 創傷弧菌外毒素RtxA 高量甘氨酸-天門冬氨酸區域人源單鏈抗體之篩選以及此區域的細胞表面結合特性之研究
* *