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作者(外文):Tsai, Wei Chih
論文名稱(外文):From Free Using to Paying: Differences Between Users’ Attitude and Behavior in SaaS Freemium Model
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Pei Fang
口試委員(外文):Soumya Ray
Fu-ren Lin
外文關鍵詞:FreemiumSaaSbusiness strategyusing behaviorpaying behaviorUTAUTuser behavior
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:343
  • 評分評分:*****
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In this study, we investigate the user’s using and paying behavior in freemium SaaS. For SaaS companies, how to convert their free users into paid customers is very important. In freemium business model, users use the services/products for free in the beginning and then become premium user. In previous studies of traditional information technology acceptance, scholars only dedicated in user’s using behavior. However, the situation of IT acceptance in freemium SaaS have two stage, using and paying. In order to bring it in line with current situation in freemium SaaS, we base on UTAUT theory, propose a new technology acceptance model for freemium SaaS industry. The proposed model includes two parts, user’s using behavior and paying behavior. We analyze user’s attitude as input to figure out the key factors in each stage and also found out the characteristics between different groups of people that have different paying behavior. This research involved 573 valid respondents of online survey. The quantitative analysis of the online questionnaires is conducted through partial least squares and ANOVA test in order to indicate the relationship between user’s attitude and behavior. The results of this study show that in the beginning stage, companies should focus on the quality, usability and social influence of their products/services. But in the middle stage and the last stage, they should put more resources in security and transaction efficiency. Furthermore, in the last stage, the continuous innovation is needed to make their product/service unique and irreplaceable. These findings provide empirical support for a new conceptual model of freemium SaaS acceptance. Furthermore, these findings provide practical guidance to SaaS companies or startups that want to use freemium as their pricing strategy. The results of this research could help them better allocate resources.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1
Chapter 2 - Theoretical foundation 5
2.1. Acceptance of freemium SaaS 5
2.1.1. User’s USING behavior 6
2.1.2. User’s PAYING behavior 9
2.2. Research model 12
Chapter 3 - Methodology 14
3.1. Research Design 14
3.2. Data 15
3.3. Measure 18
3.4. Instrument validation 19
Chapter 4 - Empirical results 21
4.1. Empirical results of research model 21
4.1.1 Intention to use 21
4.1.2. Intention to pay and actual pay 22
4.1.3. Actual paying amount 22
4.1.4. Alternative models: Group migration 23
4.2. Characteristics of three different types of users 25
4.2.1. Comparison of demographic data 26
4.2.2. Comparison of attitude toward cloud service 26
4.2.3. Comparison of user behavior 27
Chapter 5 - Discussion 29
5.1. Contribution to theory 31
5.2. Managerial insight 32
5.3. Limitation and future research 32
Chapter 6 - Conclusion 34
References 36
Appendix A 39
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