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作者(外文):Li, Dai Sin
論文名稱(中文):高雄果菜運銷公司高麗菜批發價格預測之研究 -蒐集私有資料的價值
論文名稱(外文):Forecasting Weekly Cabbage Price in Kaohsiung, Taiwan: The Value of Private Data
指導教授(外文):Galit Shmueli
口試委員(外文):Sin, Chor-Yao
Stephen Jui-Hsieh Chou
外文關鍵詞:Time Series ForecastingPrivate DataCabbage PriceSupply ChainKaohsiung MarketTaiwan’s Agriculture EconomicMarketing ChannelPrice DistributionData Mining
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  • 點閱點閱:90
  • 評分評分:*****
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This research aims to discover the value of private data on demand and supply, as collected by middleman in the cabbage supply chain in Taiwan, for the purpose of forecasting weekly cabbage prices.
Low productivity and lack of global competitiveness are two predicament traditional agriculture facing during past 40 years. Taiwan’s agriculture is unique, and its characteristics include agricultural workers with low educational levels and a decreasing population of agriculture workers.
Cabbage is an important crop in Taiwan. The cabbage marketing issue is important to the government. When a disaster occurs, vegetable retail price often suddenly upsurges, as has occurred in recent years. Conversely, when overproduction occurs, the market price is lower than production cost. These phenomena motivated this study and the need for price forecasting of cabbage.
Current difficulties that cabbage supply chain members in Kaohsiung Agricultural Products Marketing Company face are: 1) the estimated price of vegetables used by members of the supply chain still relies on personal experience and seasonal factors. 2) Supply chain members lack a scientific method to analyze and forecast pricing information. 3) In 2010, the government launched a new policy “The Database of Bulk Vegetables Planting, Registration and Seedlings Supply”. The effectiveness of this system for cabbage pricing is still unknown.
We obtained public and private data on cabbage prices for 66 weeks of data. The private data were obtained from a middleman and were converted from handwritten notes to digitized form. We focuses on forecasting weekly cabbage price, one a week ahead, in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. We fit models with and without the private data and evaluated one-week-ahead forecast accuracy. We find that private data is valuable. It means that private data improves forecasting performance. This is a great encouragement for the stakeholders in cabbage supply chain who continue to collect data.
Keyword: Time Series Forecasting, Cabbage Price, Private Data, Kaohsiung Market., Taiwan’s Agriculture Economic, Marketing Channel, Price Distribution, Supply Chain, Data Mining.
List of Tables 3
List of Figures 4
CHAPTER 1: Introduction 5
1.1 Background and Motivation 5
1.2 Research Question 5
1.3 The Challenge 5
CHAPTER 2: Agricultural Risk in Taiwan 10
2.1 Taiwan’s Agriculture 10
2.2 The development Trend of Taiwan’s Agriculture over the Past Decade 11
2.3 Agricultural Risk in Taiwan 15
2.4 Government Assistance to Farmers 16
CHAPTER 3: Price Transmission & Market Channel 18
3.1 Price Transmission Study 18
3.2 Market Channel 20
3.3 Background on Vegetable Supply Chain 21
3.4 The Database of Bulk Vegetables Planting Registration and Seedlings Supply 25
CHAPTER 4: Methodology 28
4.1 Data 28
4.2 Data Collection 30
4.3 Data Treatment 33
4.4 Setup Data 33
4.5 Methods 34
CHAPTER 5: Result 41
5.1 Result 41
5.2 Evaluation 47
CHAPTER 6: Conclusion 50
6.1 Conclusion 50
6.2 The Impact of the Study on Taiwan Agriculture 51
6.3 Recommendations for Future Research 52
References 54
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