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論文名稱(外文):Investigation into Income Inequality in Vietnam
指導教授(外文):Lu, Shu Shuian
口試委員(外文):Chou, Jui-Hsien
Chang, Bao-Taa
外文關鍵詞:VietnamIncome Inequality
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:134
  • 評分評分:*****
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This study documents various facts in order to understand the evolution of income inequality and suggest possible causes of income inequality in Vietnam based on data of Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey (VHLSS) during 2002-2012. The study found the national Gini coefficients were mostly influenced by the South East region of Vietnam where average monthly income per capita was highest. The rural-urban ratios of income were lower while the income ratios between the richest quintile and poorest quintile kept increasing. Possible reasons of the rising income inequality in Vietnam were the declining share of farm sector and the increasing share of non-farm sectors during 2002-2012.
This study documents various facts in order to understand the evolution of income inequality and suggest possible causes of income inequality in Vietnam based on data of Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey (VHLSS) during 2002-2012. The study found the national Gini coefficients were mostly influenced by the South East region of Vietnam where average monthly income per capita was highest. The rural-urban ratios of income were lower while the income ratios between the richest quintile and poorest quintile kept increasing. Possible reasons of the rising income inequality in Vietnam were the declining share of farm sector and the increasing share of non-farm sectors during 2002-2012.
2.1. Agricultural reform 4
2.2. Enterprises reform 6
2.2.1. State-owned enterprise policy 6
2.2.2. Private enterprise policy 6
2.3. Labor market reform 7
2.3.1. Wage payments 7
2.3.2. Non-wage payments 9
2.4. Member of World Trade Organization 9
2.5. Vietnam’s economic growth 10
2.6. Vietnam’s employment patterns 12
3.1. Concept of income inequality in general 13
3.2. Drivers for income inequality in general 14
3.3. Income inequality in Vietnam 15
3.4. Influence of Vietnam’s policies over income inequality 18
4.1. Methodology 20
4.2. Data description 21
5.1. Evolution of income inequality in Vietnam 22
5.1.1. Income inequality in eight major regions 22
5.1.2. Income inequality in urban-rural areas 29
5.1.3. Income inequality among five population quintiles 30
5.2. Possible causes of income inequality through income composition by sources 31
5.2.1. Composition of national income by sources 32
5.2.2. Composition of urban and rural incomes by sources 33
5.2.3. Composition of incomes in the richest and the poorest quintiles by sources 34
5.3. Possible causes of income inequality through employment structure 36
5.3.1. Employment structure of the whole country 36
5.3.2. Employment structure of urban versus rural areas 37
5.2.4. Employment structure of the richest versus poorest quintile 38
5.4. Possible causes of income inequality through average annual income per worker 39

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